Google drive file download access denied

Louie, Last updated: November 26, If so, then we bet that it is frustrating right? Well, you do not have to worry anymore because, in this article, we are going to show you how you can fix this error that you are getting on your Android device. Also, we are going to give you the best alternative way for you to backup all of your data from your Android device and as well as on how you can restore them using just one software.

Having focused on coding programs for Android devices, we've created a tool to be the best alternative to Google Drive. If you still want to give Google Drive a chance, we have gathered some great ideas and common solutions to this situation below.

Encrypt your backup files. Free Download Free Download. Google Drive is one of the best cloud storage services that every Android user have for them to store all of their important data such as their photos, videos, and more. Once that you have this, Google will be giving you a 15GB free cloud storage when you sign up.

The Google Drive will allow you to store all of your photos, videos, pdf files, and more from your Android device or even from your PC. You will be able to also save some of the email attachments that were sent to you using your Gmail and then it goes directly to your Google Drive. One of the things about Google Drive is that it will allow you to preview the files that you have when you use your browser without having the need to download them.

This way, you will be able to see all the files that you have and just only select those that you want to download. There are actually a lot of reasons as to why you are getting an error message whenever you are trying to access your Google Drive. That is why we have here some tips that can help you to gain access to your Google Drive as soon as possible.

Once that the Google Drive is down, then that is one reason as to why you will not be able to access any of the files that you have. What you need to do is for you to try logging in your Google Drive account on a different browser. You can also try to log in or access your account using a different Android device such as using a tablet. Getting your cookies and cache cleaned up on your browser is one of the most helpful things that you should do on a regular basis.

This way, you will be able to prevent formatting and other loading problems on your PC. This is also one way for you to be able to access your Google Drive. Here is how to do this on your browser. After that, go ahead and try to consider on signing out other Google accounts that have the files that you want to have. The incognito or InPrivate mode will allow you to be able to browse without having your activity being remembered. Here is how you can do it. Step 4: From there, go ahead and log in to your Google Drive.

Rather than log them all out I just selected my name in the very top right of the Chrome browser and selected Guest from the dropdown. This opens a guest user browser and then I logged into the Google Drive account and was able to download the file not problem. The multiple signed in account problem still exists as of today. Instead of incognito or use different browser, you can have multiple profile within Google Chrome, just switch to the profile with the google account you want to use.

Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? The files and folders in your Google Drive are private by default until you decide to share them.

You can share your documents with specific people or you can make them public and anyone on the Internet can view the shared files. Google Apps users have the option to share files and folders within the organization while restricting access to anyone outside the domain. You can not only control who has access to your Google Drive files but can also assign the level of access they have on the shared files. For instance, if you are to send a large file, you can upload the file to Google Drive and share it in view-mode with the recipient.

You may have a number of documents, spreadsheets and other files in your Google Drive that are accessible to other users. These users could be your contacts, someone within your Google Apps domain or some of the shared files could be public meaning they are available to anyone on the web who have the link URL to the file. Would you like to know which files and folders in your Google Drive are shared with other users and what kind of access permissions they have on your files?

Meet Permissions Auditor for Google Drive, a new Google add-on that scans your entire Drive and then generates a comprehensive report revealing who has access to your shared files and what kind of permission they have on the files. Getting started is easy. First, install the Google Drive Auditor add-on and authorize it. Internally, this is a Google Script that runs inside your Google Account, reads the files found in Google Drive and writes their access details in the spreadsheet.

Not a single byte of data every leaves your Google Account. The only way to resolve this error is by deleting or clearing the cookies and cache memory regularly. Here are the steps to follow:.

Step 1: Load your browser and click the dotted icon on the top right corner of the screen. Step 2: In the drop-down menu, select the option of more tools followed by selecting the option of clear browsing data. Step 3: In the next drop-down, select all time. Next, you have to click on cached images and files and cookies, and other site data. Sometimes, the general window in the browser is unable to access Google Drive and shows up error. It could be due to extra cache memory or cookies working in the background.

To omit this issue, you can use the incognito or InPrivate mode on the browser. Step 1: Launch the browser on the device and click on the dotted option present in the top right corner. Step 2: In the drop-down menu, select the option of open in new incognito window. Another issue linked to the browser causing the Google Drive inaccessibility error is the Google extensions. These extensions running in the background will interfere with the functionality of Google Drive and also hinder the path of accessing the drive.

In case, these extensions are the real culprit, the only way is to disable them to make Google Drive work properly. Here are the steps to follow;. Step 1: Launch the browser and copy-paste the link i. Step 2: This will lead to the extensions page. Here you can uncheck the boxes of extensions. You can also remove the extension by selecting the trash option. Using multiple accounts on the same device for Google Drive can also cause the error.

This confuses the system i. It results in a permission error that ultimately leads to Google Drive access denied. In this regard, it is recommended to sign out of all the Google accounts and then signing in back with one account that you want to use.

Though Google Drive is a top-notch cloud platform that provides immense storage space for saving all your important data and backups without any security breach. Yet, this platform does face certain errors. It can be the issues related to browsers, to the data stored in the Google Drive, to the faulty internet connections, or technicalities related to Google Drive.

All this ends up in error i. It makes it impossible for you to access the drive or data stored in it. It could lead to data loss.


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