Please note this is a separate product from Skype for consumers. It cannot make emergency phone calls. It serves as a lightweight collaboration tool. Any business using the Microsoft ecosystem, particularly small businesses, should take a look at SFB. It seamlessly integrates with Outlook from where you can create Skype meetings and populate your contact list. It offers a variety of plan options at attractive prices, though making sense of that spider web proves difficult see here.
Last but not least, Microsoft has already announced that Teams will be replacing SFB and when sunset occurs, it isn't clear. At its core, SFB allows you to select another SFB user from a contact list and from there, start an instant message conversation, make a call video if you have that capability , or share your screen.
Additional features build from that basic premise. The application tucks toward the side of your screen, and goes for the tall and skinny look. Your name falls at the top along with your picture, availability status available, away, do not disturb, etc. Below that sit four icons across the menu — Contacts, Conversations, Meetings, Settings. These determine what you see in the body of the application. Your contacts each have a picture, availability status, and video capability indication.
Managers can check on the idle time of their employees as SFB shows a timestamp for how long someone has been away from their computer. Skype for business is fantastic when it works. You can easily share presentations and hear people clearly.
When it works, it is very good and our preferred program. It took a while to get used to it though. In some cases, it was unstable and the participant would lose audio and the program would constantly reconnect.
It appears to be dependent on the strength of your wireless signal and if it is a bit low, you can lose connection. It also depends a bit on the device. The best device I have used is my iPad. My iPhone and computer are somewhat less reliable but now work most of the time.
The iPad has worked every time. The most confusing part is that for some of my colleagues, Skype works but Business Skype acts buggy. That makes no sense but it is real as the original Skype appears to be more stable. We will continue to work with the program as the bugs continue to go away but be prepared for some frustration at the beginning.
I have been using Skype for business on my iPhone for more than 3 years and could always rely on it to attend meetings on the go. It makes me extremely productive at work. Sign in to Skype for Business Enter your work or school account. Enter your password. Select Sign In. Need more help?
Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! In Internet Explorer, at the bottom of the browser window, select Run to install the plug-in. Tip: If you're able to install the plug-in by following these steps, consider clearing your browser cache to remove obsolete credentials that might be interfering with sign-in. If that didn't work, here are a couple more things to check:. Expertly manage your online meetings with advanced calling options, like muting one or all participants and transferring presenter control.
Make sure your browser is set up to allow downloads, and the downloading of encrypted files. To allow downloads in Internet Explorer:.