Wraith the oblivion 20th anniversary pdf download

The writing in Wraith is confusing and overlapping, but I'd rule that computer programming, debugging and hacking are what you'd use Computers for, whereas Technology is for fixing things repairing and general gadgeteering with hardware.

I think that's a reasonable way to interpret these abilities. Thank you for taking the time to offer some insight!

Olympic level power-lifters for a Strength of 5. LOL That's weight-lifting in the Olympics, not power-lifting. What is the "Premium" one? Deluxe, Prestige, or what?

Will it have the fancy cover with holographic or emboss logos? This is not the Deluxe limited edition version. Premium uses a higher quality printing process than Standard. However, there are no holographic or emboss logos. The pictures are prettier. That is all. Don't have any doubt, you want the Premium edition to fully appreciate this title.

Andrew D. For the price, the amount of content is superb. You could get a guide that costs twice as much hardcopy that would have a quarter of the content.

This system is not as popular as Vampire or its brethren, but it is every bit as ripe for story. Pilar C. I bought it and I also purchased for the Spanish version. It is a really excellent work. I hope you develop more volumes in physical format in the future.

Keep wo [ John M. I haven't played previous editions of Wraith, so I really have nothing to compare this volume to. That being said I bought and read this book with an open mind and was blown away with the sheer volume of awesome content. I really cannot find fault wi [ I am a faithful Wraith fan that purchased every single book that was released. I loved the feel, the connection, the tragedy and reasons that convinced these beings to continue to fight on.

The story and history was [ See All Ratings and Reviews. The following Books each contain one novel based on Werewolf:The Apocalypse and other novels based on other games set in the same fictional world:.

Note: These are stand-alone publications. There are also comic strips as introduction elements in the 1st Edition series of Tribebooks, as well as in the Breedbooks and in the 2nd Edition Core Rulebook. In the game, you can hang around in the lands of the living to try and protect your loved ones, or travel deeper into the Underworld to become a citizen or enemy of the ancient Empire of the Dead.

Wraith may well have been most bleak of the World of Darkness games and this 20th-anniversary edition brings all the previous versions together. Leave your own remarks on this in the comment area at the bottom of this page. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. There he used The First Descent a great horn to summon the Ferrymen to him, telling them of his journey and his confrontation within the darkness.

He Once again, the Lady of Fate appeared to Charon, convinc- emphasized that Oblivion was growing and described a terrible ing him to descend into the Labyrinth to confront Oblivion pit where the souls of those who were weak or unprotected and directly. Heeding her words, he traveled to the Veinous Stair, of the Restless who refused the call to become Ferrymen were so named for the bloody, veined marble steps that pulsed with trapped and then thrown down into the Void below.

Armed with a lantern and scythe, Charon entered the great maze, bearing the only light in the utter dark- Charon expressed disappointment with the Ferrymen that ness. No Ferryman followed, but all heard the sounds of great they had not been vigilant enough to prevent this, and they battle emanating from the maw of the Labyrinth and wondered responded by redoubling their efforts. Many spread across the about the fate of their leader.

Underworld, seeking a way to better fight Oblivion and safeguard. It shone forth as a beacon of hope and When Nhudri followed Charon from the safety for all souls, and as a monument to Charon for the great Labyrinth, he brought with him a hellish forge deeds he had accomplished.

This grand, new city, founded upon called Kyklos. Upon this forge Nhudri created seven hills on the Isle of Sorrows, was called Stygia. Most common among these were the coins called oboli, which fueled the trade of Stygia. Formed using the ent might save them all from falling to Oblivion.

Each hellflames of Kyklos until they became malleable. There, they might High Artificer took up his great hammer, beat- build temples to act as refuges for the dead waiting to journey ing and shaping them into the items he wished to the Far Shores. With fire-hardened hands, whispered They also received emissaries from other, faraway kingdoms incantations, and his indomitable will he bound that ruled over their dead as Stygia ruled over the European their souls into these objects and trapped them ones.

These were known as Dark Kingdoms — that of Asia, there in permanent shapes, known as Soulsteel. In turn, these ambassadors dubbed Stygia the Dark Kingdom of Iron. Charon and the Senate met frequently with the Ivory the souls in their keeping. Soon after the Ferrymen departed Queen, ruler of the African Underworld, and with ministers on their mission, the Shining Ones returned to tell of their of the Jade Emperor, discussing common needs, problems, and finding the Far Shores.

There, they said, wondrous Halls of the negotiations among them. Dead existed. These housed fallen warriors, great thinkers, and virtuous souls of all sorts who feasted together and found the The Golden Age peace they had struggled to achieve in life. In the Skinlands, Rome became a great empire under Taking the charts they provided to him, Charon set sail the Caesars. From its beginnings as a tiny outpost to its lay there. He was gone for many years, and the Ferrymen main- incarnation as a massive citadel built to defy Oblivion, Stygia tained their watch and guarded against Oblivion in his absence.

He bore with him tithes to Nhudri for the smith to create the first weapons and seven signs, gifted to him by the Shining Ones who stayed across armor forged in Stygia, gear that would be given to those who the Sunless Sea, taking the realms there under their protection. Nhudri then created three very special By these signs, Charon was acknowledged to have power over and important projects with the tithe-ore he smelted: Siklos the dead.

The last was a symbolic gesture, to show the tablet, which he set up in the Shadowlands. By their author- Senators and all the dead that Charon was a part of them and ity he created the cornerstone for a new city to be the center they, in turn, a part of him. Ro- fens of the River of Death. Tamed in antiquity by man foot soldiers who died in the battles to conquer these far-off Charon, they have served for hundreds of years places became soldiers in the Stygian ranks.

They do not eat or sleep, and nobody knows how Lux Veritatis they sustain themselves. What is known is that The Lady of Fate impressed upon Charon the idea that they are swift beyond telling, fierce in combat, Oblivion must be fought on every front, not just on the field and utterly loyal to their chosen rider.

With that as his At least one wraith scholar claims that the goal, Charon made his second pronouncement as Consul: Lux horses sprang from earthly horses of noted fame Veritatis, or the Light of Truth. These were consul. Whether this hypothesis holds truth is brought to the imperial city, archived and stored deep beneath still a matter of some debate, but what is known the Senate in vaults made especially for the purpose.

They might be lost to the living, but the dead would never feel their lack. It served as the In the Skinlands, Rome teetered on the brink, buffeted by waypoint and guarantor for all those seeking Transcendence and increasing social pressures, mad rulers, and invading barbarians.

Yet as Rome declined, its attackers In like manner the unrest in the Shadowlands took the form of and malcontents fell and arrived in Stygia. They crossed over into the world This left many innocent souls to fend for themselves against of the living and turned to Skinriding the barbarian tribes as the Spectres, who found them easy prey. These malcontent they attacked Rome and its holdings. Upon their deaths, the scavengers became known as the Renegades. In response, barbarians arrived in the Shadowlands and continued their Charon instituted a band of cavalry called Equitaes.

These death assaults against what they saw as another Rome — Stygia. Roaring behind them came armies of Spectres, ferociously Spectres and wolfs-heads. In response, Equitaes were sum- Despite these efforts, discontent was growing among the moned to defend Stygia and the Ferrymen took up arms against dead.

When Rome fell into decrepitude, that great empire also the marauders. Charon took up Siklos, taking the field of battle faced a new challenge in the form of the followers of Christ. Though they turned aside the invaders, many Legion- ing and protecting the countless souls in their care.

The followers of Christ among the Restless, calling them- At just such a point of conflict, in the year AD, Rome selves Fishers, came to the edge of the Sunless Sea and made finally fell. Great temples, government buildings, and places of their own vessels from flotsam they collected there. There were simply too sick, the victims of violence, those slain by nature, and those many new arrivals, and too many soldiers and Ferrymen had caught up in war.

These became the Legions — each made up been lost in the struggle to protect Stygia. Seven of the Legions were led by the Deathlord to whom they were given. Each Deathlord wore a mask to symbolize their new role; instead of an individual wraith, Madness ruled the Underworld as the battles raged. At the height of the pressure a great bellowing sound roared forth from each was now the guardian of many, the walking symbol of deep within the Labyrinth.

Some Deathlords are centuries old; others broke upon them like a fiery hurricane. Howling, scouring winds have changed with new wraiths taking over from a previous accompanied wave upon wave of fiery tsunami. The isle itself one. To most wraiths, however, it is the office — and the Legion cracked and boiled, tearing great rents into the very stone and that serves it — that matters. The Fer- Spectres attacked the Isle of Sorrows and none were able to rymen were outraged that he would put on such airs as to call prevent them from breaching the walls.

What was not already himself an emperor and refused to serve him any longer. Many, broken, burnt, or smashed into rubble the Spectres burned and angry at the loss of their brethren on the battlefield and feeling pillaged. Razing monuments, temples, and mansions alike, they that Charon had truly overstepped his authority as first among ran amok as the city fell around them.

They even ransacked many resigned their commissions. Charon was not there to confront them, as he had taken the field with his Ferrymen to drive back the hellish forces of Oblivion. This city is the home and headquarters of the The cruel destruction wrought by the storm left massive Ferrymen. The of Death lay choked and dammed, its polluted waters overflow- Ferrymen took the city and fortified it against ing its banks.

The roads that had once webbed all points of the Maelstroms. Digging deeper into the Labyrinth Shadowlands to departure points on the Sunless Sea lay cracked where it rested, the Ferrymen and their servants and broken, their lengths smeared with acrid refuse vomited up created hidden tunnels and rooms, then created by the storm.

The Ferrymen were all but destroyed, the Senate thick Stygian steel doors to bar the way into the crushed, and the Restless Dead left huddling like frightened Labyrinth.

Three times those doors have been children awaiting further attacks. The Republic was gone. Resurrection As the Boatmen reclaim relics and arcane Surrounded by the remains of the great dream of Stygia, Artifacts, many of the hidden rooms act as stor- Charon once again took up the task of rebuilding.

He swore he age for these treasures. Others serve as private would renew the city, creating a stronger, more brilliant Stygia chambers for the Boatmen in residence. Some than the first. He would take the dead bones of his Republic rooms are used to initiate new Ferrymen into and construct a mightier citadel where the Restless would find their duties and responsibilities.

And more serve safety and peace. Rising above the despair, he and his lieuten- as forges where robes, lanterns, weapons, and reed ants took up the broken and battered stones of the old Stygia. But they built upon the foundations of the old Republic, in keeping with the words of the Lady of Fate.

It is almost impossible to enter the hidden From the Caesars, Charon took the idea of calling himself pathways into and through Dis without the con- emperor.

Innumerable traps lords. Each Deathlord was made the steward of a different group and diversions dissuade the curious and the hostile of souls. Souls were sent to each Deathlord according to the from easily gaining entrance. This ancient city is manner of their deaths, and that master was given authority the sole outpost between the chaotic Tempest and over them.

With the surcease of conflict for the moment, oaths, Charon retaliated by banishing them from the Isle of Sor- Charon stood forth to honor those brave Restless who had rows and stripping them of their claims and awards. He decreed performed their duties and remained firm against the Shadow- that their names be stricken from all records.

He felt that if they Eaten and the collapse of the Republic. Praising all, including would not perform their duties, then they would be thrown out to those Ferrymen and Equitaes who did not desert Stygia when fend for themselves alone. Many souls joined the ranks of the militia, hoping many, sadly having lost their purpose, surrendered to Oblivion.

Aside new purpose. Over the decades, Stygia was slowly rebuilt. The task With the brief peace, the dead set about repairing the roads was interrupted time and again by wild, destructive storms and buildings destroyed by the Maelstrom.

They rebuilt the — remnants of the Great Maelstrom that refused to die, and Onyx Tower. As newly dead souls provided a greater workforce periodically sought out Stygia as if guided there.

Renegades not to mention more raw materials for the forge , Nhudri and built their own hamlets along the river and continually tore his apprentices created new structures, including a sea wall up the roads or spread discontent. Malicious wraiths pierced around the Isle of Sorrows that would stand against any storm.

While Stygia was still rebuilding, the Fishers returned. After centuries of strife, the last of the Spectres vomited up Their golden ship, used to transport wraiths to the Far Shore by the first Great Maelstrom were destroyed or forced back into they called Paradise, was seen just off the Isle of Sorrows. Though In the year , the lands of Europe were laid to waste by he heard them out, Charon refused.

Arguing that he served the Black Death, a plague so foul and deadly that entire villages the Lady of Fate and the whole land of the dead and not any and towns were wiped out.

Souls began to cross the Shroud in particular Far Shore, he made a counterproposal. These miserable wraiths massed together, the weep- of Paradise. It called for the Fishers to tithe the relics they ing lesions that were the sign of the plague scarring king and collected, and in return Charon promised to give all incoming commoner alike.

The treaty Second Great Maelstorm. Charon number of Fishers was ever-growing. The company war. Most elected to join Nhudri and his follow- unleashed both quickly and decisively. He then Spectres or Renegades. He founded the Hierarchy, with Charon and his Deathlords at the top. The Legions and the The Fishers Revolt Eqitaes, now called Knights, were just below that level, along The leader of the Fishers, known as the Archbishop, was with the Ferrymen who remained loyal to Charon.

The lowest gravely angered by the tithe. He met with Charon and demanded place was reserved for the equivalent of serfs — wraiths called that the emperor reduce the tithe he asked from the Fishers, thralls, who were bound with Stygian steel chains and used as slaves or as payment among the higher classes.

These Guilds sought to protect and formalizing the separation between living and grow the knowledge of their particular powers, called Arcanoi, dead. These laws dictated that no wraith was to and to find ways those powers could be marketed to the populace penetrate the Shroud under any circumstances. Hand in hand with that went the responsibility to There was to be no contact with the living, no prevent abuses of said powers.

Each Guild developed its rites attempt to impart what the future might hold for and rituals, and many wraiths with any demonstrable power them or to harass or threaten those still living in signed on, even if the inner circles remained restricted to the any way. Finally, wraiths were forbidden to suggest chosen few.

Charon later claimed credit for organizing the or compel the Quick to take a life, whether their Guilds, a grievance that was remembered when the Guilds later own or any other to facilitate passing over into revolted.

Regardless, the Guilds took a place just below that of the land of the dead. As one might expect, the Dictum Mortuum During this time, however, discontent continued among was immediately honored more in the breach than some of the wraiths who resented Charon, his Hierarchy and in the observance.

To this day, the Legions spend the Guilds seeking to curtail their free use of their talents. To provide legal recourse to stop such practices, Charon their loved ones to hardened poltergeists-for-hire. They had become so powerful that they not only The Proclamation of Reason commanded their own temple in the outskirts of Stygia, but After weeks of deliberation, Charon appeared on his their own Crusader-Knights and Death-Bishops. He spoke not to the Deathlords, but to the citizenry Charon knew they represented a threat to himself and his of Stygia, delivering the Proclamation of Reason.

It declared hierarchy and that they had not been entirely truthful when that the Shining Ones had broken their compact to shepherd recruiting wraiths to their ranks. Rather than reducing the de- souls to Transcendence, abusing and tormenting those in their mand, Charon ordered that the Crusader-Knights be disbanded care and no longer standing against Oblivion.

Further, they had and doubled the tithe on the Fishers. Then, as if by some unseen signal, as one they no longer give them audience, safe passage, or any assistance. The palace guard was warned of their coming by one of the bring about their eradication. The fully prepared palace knights had fortified the tower and overthrew the Fisher troops, stripping them of their The Council of Inquisitors To enforce his decree, Charon formed the Magisterium mounts and placing those they routed in chains.

The rebels were Veritatus, or Council of Inquisitors. Taking as their model the taken to the great lighthouse, where their chains were set alight. The militant branch of the Council There they found untold stores of treasures that the Fishers had took the name the Order of the Unlidded Eye to remind all of promised to tithe unto Charon but had instead hoarded for their eternal and unsleeping vigilance in their duties.

To the themselves. The direct violation of the Treaty of Paradise greatly populace, however, they became known as the Grim Riders as angered Charon, and he sent his most trusted Knights to the they patrolled the roads and the River of Death searching for Far Shores to speak with the Shining Ones who dwelled there.

The Great Evacuation Charon did not forbid individual souls from trying to find their own way to the Far Shores, nor were these seekers held Charon issued an order that all Shining Ones who resided as Heretics for doing so.

But without maps or guides, they had on the Isle of Sorrows were to depart for the Far Shores with little chance of making it across the Sunless Sea. They were no longer welcome in Stygia. At the sounding of the great gong signaling the changing of the tide, all the Shining Ones set forth in any skiff, raft, or ship they Stygia Besieged Surrounded on all sides by unrest and enemies, Stygia took could commandeer, taking with them as much as they could on the atmosphere of a city under siege.

Renegades lived beyond carry. Silhouetted by the flames that devoured their temples, the city walls and harassed the few Ferrymen still performing Charon watched the rag-tag fleet until it vanished out of sight.

The them Heretics and throwing them to the Grim Riders to keep Far Shores as Charon remembered them were tranquil realms themselves above suspicion. Now the Knights reported that the Shining Ones Only those who were foolhardy or crazed ventured from had abandoned their duties and the words of Charon and the the city.

Soul-trade slowed to a crawl and no ships left port Lady of Fate and were forcing continual obedience from those for the Far Shores. Soul upon soul crowded into the dubi- who were under them. For centuries, the wraiths trapped the walls with cowering wraiths. From this pressure-cooker there had been denied Transcendence by the ones Charon atmosphere arose events known as the Three Abominations.

Many of the Shining Ones were some of One began from outside the city, the next was internal, and the first Ferrymen who betrayed him and the souls they were the last was far away, yet so horrid it scarred the souls not supposed to protect for their own greed and power.

Depressed only of those who took part, but also of those who merely and bitter, Charon retired to his chambers and was not seen for heard of it. Many feared he had fallen to Oblivion from the blow. The First Abomination: The Looting of the Artifacts There followed decades of savage violence, piling slaughter and Early in the 16th century, Renegades massed along the desecration atop larceny and pillaging.

Charon and his Knights unleashed on the Obsidian wraiths finally reached Charon and met the assault, but the panic that overtook the city allowed the Deathlords. But before they could gather a force to cross the the attackers to breach the Onyx Tower and raid its Artifacts, Tempest, the violence stopped. All was silence. Ix Chel and his among them the Spear of Longinus, the lance reputedly used people had been massacred, hurled into Oblivion by the invaders.

Many great treasures, stored Their kingdom was totally destroyed in this third abomination, in the tower under the practice of Lux Veritatis and considered which became known as the Flaying. Their value as great works of art and truth, and nihilation of an entire kingdom from the Shadowlands.

The their ability to inspire and impassion those who looked upon Heretics had committed their most heinous crime, obliterating them, lay trampled under the greed to own treasures with no an entire world. Shadowlands could take no more. The earth itself screamed as it cracked and shook. The Third Reading the unrest and fear of the populace in the wake of the Great Maelstrom had been born, and its righteous wrath made assault, certain Guildmasters revolted and attempted to wrest those that came before it seem like the lightest of summer rains.

In the year From the maw of Oblivion, great stinking clouds of grave , the Guilds struck. Despite uniting themselves in the at- dust billowed forth, covering Stygia, choking the Great River, tempt, the always quarrelsome and jealous Guilds ultimately and plunging the city into darkness.

Scores of Guild- overflowed everywhere, separating Stygia from the rest of the wraiths were destroyed. It is said that Nhudri no longer plied the brilliant nephwrack general named Coldheart led divisions of forges quite so willingly after that loss, but only Nhudri and Spectres up from the Labyrinth. They feasted on the hatred Charon knew the truth of it. Though the surviving paths were cracked and ploration.

Mariners sailed across the Atlantic to the new world, stained with the atrocities, greed, and cruelty the wraiths of finding new lands and discovering new races.

They returned to the kingdom had wrought, Ferrymen chose to sojourn down their homelands with rich and exotic gifts, which whetted the the roads that were left, called by their duty. Ruling the wraiths in the Mortuum suddenly became more than just a joke. The official story holds that Heretics and Renegades fleeing Renewal and Industry the Inquisition came to those foreign lands skinriding crews Once again taking his cue from the advances in the Land of from Iberian ports.

It is doubtful that no Stygian wraiths joined the Living, Charon emerged from the Onyx Tower and moved them, as pressures in the Dark Kingdom of Iron continued to among the wraiths of Stygia, bolstering optimism and expressing build.

The crews housing the skinriders fell into hate and fear the desire to recover and rise to greatness once again. But it was the wraiths themselves, and not of soulsteel. Charon saw the need for cities to be those without strong Passions. As they were undistinguished founded outside of Stygia.

Here the influx of new souls could in life, so he would make them in death. Further, another city would give Stygia some relief wraiths and made Thralls of them, slaves to labor in mining from its unmanageable numbers engorging and pushing against the death ore of the Veinous Stair.

These materials were sent its distended walls. They sary items. Heretics and Renegades attempted weak was a heinous and callous act. And so it was. His reason- to destroy the fledgling city, but their forays against the Legions ing for doing so was to keep them from being taken by Spectres proved useless. The powerful Legions fiercely routed all attacks, or dragged to Oblivion where their souls would strengthen the swatting away those fools who sought to harm the Necropolis.

Still, fed by the forges, the Stygian cities grew and took shape: Rome, Paris, then spreading across economy roared to life and prosperity. Their efforts yielded New Amsterdam where The Third Great Maelstrom changed the lands around they again fought off Heretic, Renegade and whatever foul trash Stygia forever.

The River of Death, once a swift-flowing stream, was left from the Third Maelstrom. Other Legionnaires came now ran sluggishly, choked and impassable. The grand bridges to cleanse the Shadowlands nearby and founded Necropoli at.

Others soon followed. As they grew, the Necropoli became clearing houses for souls. The Age of Industry The souls collected in the Necropoli were herded onto great transports and sent to the Deathlords, who divided and claimed them according to the manner in which they died. As science and industry informed life in the Quicklands, the Shadowlands profited when great thinkers, scientists, and industrialists died and brought their talents to Stygia.

Great iron ships, used to carry cargos of souls from the Necropoli to Stygia, were built at new ports on the Isle of Sorrows. What were once the temples of the Shining Ones became industrial foundries, turning out the behemoth vessels at a phenomenal rate. As industry became the new way of life in the lands of the Quick, the people changed. Ken Meyer Jr. Original electronic Scanned image These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher.

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