Pc downloads slower than console

Question Asus Aura Download. Feb 20, Question One laptops ethernet slower than another. Feb 14, Jan 3, Jul 17, Jun 29, Downloading movies to an external drive than watching on a laptop. May 7, Feb 2, Download the sims on my ideapadS Dec 26, My laptop has windows 8 ,but I downloaded windows 10 from playstore Dec 4, Nov 20, How am I;. Nov 19, My laptop has amd Radeon R5 m and there was no option to switch into and Radeon graphics but when I downloaded and fixed th.

Nov 14, Oct 21, Oct 20, Internet download speed is way slower on my built pc than other devices. Dec 22, If yes, read the post in which MiniTool not only reveals the culprits but also shows you how to improve your download speed.

Many users complain that the download speed is so slow that it takes a long time to download something. This can hamper both business and personal operations. Why is the download speed so slow? The possible reasons are as follows:. Older computers might lack the memory and therefore the download speed becomes so slow, even though your Internet connection and services are stronger and robust. If there are some viruses on your computer, it can weaken the processing power and reduce the speed available for uploading and receiving data across the Internet.

Oct 31, 2, Wales. Yeah the PSN is notoriously known for their shitty connections speeds no matter where you are unfortunately. SnakeyHips said:. Click to expand Kudo Member. Oct 25, 3, I have bad speeds in neighboring city km give or take distance but get full speeds at my own apartment. At both apartments I have mbps connection and here get full speed sometimes even more if ISP is feeling generous but parents apart I get mbps.

And here's the bomb, here I use wireless and parents place I use wired, and it doesn't get better with wireless there either. Other machines work normally and at full speed.

Feral Gingy Member. Oct 30, Finland. On the PS4 network settings the speed test gives me accurate results for my upload and download speeds. I live in Helsinki, Finland. Kudo said:. M1chl said:. Can I ask in what country you live in? Oct 27, 2, Cleveland Ohio. Xbox One speeds have been blazing ever since the Fall update. Usually get well over when downloading games.

This was a known fix that they actually mentioned so good on them for coming through. Deleted member User requested account closure Banned. Oct 25, 15, Brazil here. Not sure about the actual speed, but Steam and even the Switch download stuff fast in my mbps connection, but when my friend brings his Playstation it's always ridiculously slow for some reason things that should be downloaded in minutes take hours.

I really don't understand it. Oct 31, I have 20mbps connection. And i get like mb during the day and almost the whole speed during nights. StereoVSN Member. Nov 1, 8, Eastern US. Steam usually saturates my mbs link to large extent. PSN is mbs for sustained downloads sometimes less, sometimes more.

Dan Thunder Member. Nov 2, 8, I'd say that on PSN I'll get around a download speed of 4mb per second. Rarely bothers me as I set stuff to download when I'm not around anyway. If it's a smallish games then it can be done in around 30 minutes and I'm happy to do other stuff while that happens. Feral Gingy said:. Oct 27, 3, I have a 50MB in download. Was this reply helpful?

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Alright so I have been having some confusion with internet download speeds. I have an Xbox One S which before I purchased a pc it was wired to the internet at all times and the download speed was great. Our internet provider gives us download and around upload which is really good for our area. When I fired it up and started downloading things I noticed that mt PC was downloading way slower than my console was.


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