Nnat practice test for 1st grade pdf download free

By submitting you agree to TestingMom. Here are a few practice questions to give you an idea of the kind of practice material your child should look at. Answer: D — If you look carefully, there are no two identical figures on the grid. But there are identical shapes and you can find them alone and in the composite figures.

First of all, you have the big 5 rule for the single shapes. In the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th cell there are single shapes. Parent: Say to your child - "Look at this puzzle. Look at the shapes in the boxes across the top. Do you see how they are related to each other? Can you find the answer that goes in the empty box so the shapes in the next row will relate to each other in the same way as the shapes in the top row? Look at the shapes in the boxes across the rows and up and down the columns.

Can you find the answer that goes in the empty box so the designs inside the rows and columns follow a pattern or rule? Look at the squares on top. Look at the middle row. The left figure, containing a white triangle in a blue background, is identical to the right figure. Now, take a look at the bottom row. The figures in the bottom row will adhere to the same relationship. The left figure, a yellow circle in a white background, will be identical to the right figure.

The correct answer is answer choice A. Across the rows and down the columns, each row and column contain one hexagon, one diamond, and one trapezoid. Since the bottom row and third column each contain one diamond and a trapezoid, the empty square will contain a hexagon.

We can eliminate answer choices B and D. Pay attention to the color scheme of the matrix. Every other frame contains an image with a different background color yellow or white. Since the middle frame in the third column contains a white background and the middle frame in the third row contains a white background, the answer choice will be an image with a yellow background.

We are left with answer choice C. At Test Prep-Online, we offer test preparation services that are fully available online. They go together in some way. Choose a figure from the answer row that goes with the figure s on the bottom the same way the figures on top go together. Parent say to your child: Look at the shapes in the boxes across the rows and up and down the columns.

Do you see how they are related to each other? Can you find the answer that goes in the empty box so the designs inside the rows and columns follow a pattern?

D — Each heart is a different color. A — the 3 shapes alternate in each row. Each row has its own color.


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