Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Mariela Arias. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. There are two versions A and B of each test. They cover the same material, but have been reorganized to allow easier administration of the tests in the classroom. Each test has a total score of These tests may be photocopied freely for classroom use.
They may not be adapted, printed, or sold without the permission of Oxford University Press. Circle the correct letter. NAME: 3 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are. B Ben. A Hi, Carla. B Fine, thanks. And you? B Hello, Pierre. A Hello, Yukio. How are you? Use these words. They are married. Fine, thanks. Write sentences. They are in Oxford. Deborah is a student. Carlos is a doctor. Jennie is a student. Michel is a doctor.
Jane Hudson. Receptionist Thanks. The shop is in the centre of Rome. My address is 14, via Cavour, Rome, and my telephone number is 06 B Good afternoon. B Sorry. The shop is in the centre of Madrid. My address is 10 calle San Antonio, Madrid, and my telephone number is 91 Use my, your, his, her, our, and their. NAME: 3 Look at the family tree again and answer the questions. Her house is in Malaga. Use have or has. Complete the sentences.
Use has, have, is, and are. Circle the correct 7 Read the text and answer the questions. A Good morning. The Boston Hotel. We have two children — a son and a daughter. Their names are B Hello. Ryan and Clare. Clare 1 a please b pardon c excuse d thank you is fifteen and Ryan is eleven. We have a dog, Pip. A Certainly. And your name is?
Clare has a lot of CDs. Her favourite music is dance. Ryan is a B Julia Alvarez. We have a house in Oxford. It is very nice. It is in the centre of 2 a write b spell c say d do town. The Elite School of English. Related Pages PDF file, Headway Intermediate Student's Book, 5th edition - Find further resources for Headway 5th edition including practice exercises, Elementary; New Headway Pre-Intermediate Score: 5. Includes extension activities with extra grammar and vocabulary exercises related to the unit topic to extend learning.
Everyday English tasks present further opportunities to practice relevant, real life English. Review sections allow students to test themselves and to see how much they can remember.
The answer key allows students to check theirown answers and review their progress. It provides a solid foundation for New Headway Elementary. Read more. Blogger September 22, at PM.
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