Mordainkainens tome of foes pdf download free

Most intresting is the addition of the Gith; their story of seeking to escape oppression from the mindflayers that ruled them and how their traits come out of that struggle are very intresting to me and I love that you can play either a Githyanki, who have been focusing on battle and strength or a githzerai who have been focused on developing their minds.

A treasure trove of high CR Monsters, providing loads of new, high CR Monster as well as republishing some particular juicy enemies, such as Demogorgon from the out of the Abyss Module. Many of these creatures do not call the Material Plane their home, and are plentiful on other planes.

Any DMs who are runnings or intend to run high level campaigns, one shots, or contents in place other than the Material Plane will definitely love the creatures this book provides.

Thses bites of information and lore can easily serve ad the basis for new campaigns, ways to add flavors to Devils, Fey and other creatures, and even grant perspective into elements previously established in other 5e supplements. Whose side ure you on! Law or Chaos? Evil or Good? Why are there so many kindof elves? What esa the heart of the Blood War.

This book Drovides answers to those questions and many more. Inthe mortal world, the scant few scholars, arcanists, and ad venturers who know the confit for wht it is tefer to it as the Blood War.

From timeto time, demons spill out ofthe Abyss to invade Averaus, the uppermost layer ofthe Nine Hells. While the devils defend their home turf, they also make strikes against locations in the Abyss. By hiring skilled mer- renoloth pilots to navigate the iver, a demon lord can, transport an invasion force of enormous siz. Mimicking a complex dance, the two siden abit their attacks and trade positions with each passing day. When 2 cultist dies, its soul emerzes in the Nine Hells and becomes another ofthe Blood Wars immortal soldiers Most ofthe evil souls consigned to an afterlife in the [Nine Hells become lemares, which make up the vast ma.

For as long as these mortals do the bidding oftheir lord, they are allowed to live. The devils are generally more successful at this tactic because of the discipline they can bring to bear on these ostensible allies.

Evea so, powerful, intelligent ee, zig aca lonst ky ids Y ed the Bin Wh ee Ua branches of the River St like tlaed vessels thal circulate conflict threngheut-the Lowes Planes. Demons use them as insurrectonists i the Nine Hell, inciting rebellion and defiance.

The devils continually dream up varia tions on thei atack strategies, only tobe checked by the overwhelming chaotic force of the Abyss. Aecordingly, demons and devils constantly eand their agente acrosa the plas in search of artifacts, powerful creatures to recruit, and other resources tha could lead toa key advantage inthe wat Acdventurers of great repute might get involved in such a quest, either as unwitting pawns or as an independent force pursuing its own ends.

Hordes of lemures, deste that are permanently destroyed only if subjected t holy energies, are used toblunt demonic incursions. The terrain of Avernusis thoroughly mapped and festooned with ambush points, strongholds, and other defensive measures, More important, demons that are slain and sent back tothe Abyss return to their chaotic wanderings in that realm, Ademon lord is thus hard pressed to keep a horde cohesive as it takes casualties.

Iose to shoulder a cosmic burden. Even so it hasits uses. Lesser dvils that nced to sharpen their combat okils oF improve their endurance before re- porting to Averms for dyin the Blood War spend time in Stygia. The archenage Tank has re searched the topic extensively but has yet o fing amp evidence tht truly confirm the account. I the supposi- tion s true, then the riches of that world might lie under miles of ee and beneath frigid, monster-infested seas.

Se flaunts the rules of tradition and bends the law without breaking it. Finally, each type of elf is gets a thorough look and subraces are provided for Eladrin for all four seasons , sea elves, and the Shadar-Kai and some tables to roll details about elves from.

Another of the ancient wars involves the dwarves and tragic clan duergar who were enslaved by mind flayers. This chapter looks at that conflict and details the people who make up each of its sides. For dwarves we find out what makes them tick looking at their clans, strongholds, gods, enemies and pursuit of perfection. The duergar are a dark reflection of the dwarves and we get a deep look at their society too and reprinted stats for playing a duergar. Finally, we get and some tables to roll details about both dwarves and duergar.

To this day they remain the enemy of each other. Like the previous chapters, this one provides details on both sides of the conflict. Gith racial stats and subrace stats for Githyanki and Githzerai are provided along with some tables to roll details about them from.

This chapter is free from the major struggles of the multiverse seen in the previous chapters. The book looks into the lives of halflings and gnomes, who both manage to keep a low profile and avoid conflict, thriving without it. We also get some tables to roll details about both halflings and gnomes. For halflings we get lots of wonderful details that look into why they are friendly, lucky and so good at hiding.

Here you can download the game guide in a pdf format that you can easily read on your PC, mobile tablet, or laptop. This would be a great choice for you if you are a true Dungeon Master in this book you would find great dragon information and in the second part of this book, you would find new ideas about the new adventures.


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