Mo2 downloaded mods folder

I just didn't have the time right now to scroll up several months. Same exact thing. I remember it being a head slap fix. I think it's the redistributables. Either I somehow missed that, or this heat is messing with my brain. Or both. Both is good. Updated my post to include Al's reply from the discord. I am currently on windows So that could possibly be the problem as well.

Well remember LOOT is set to work with a bunch of games. Make sure the correct game is selected on the top of the LOOT window. It should be recognized automatically but always launch it from inside MO2's run menu. If LOOT sees your mods, that's a step in the correct direction.

Fingers crossed. None of my mods from nexus have green check marks. Okay, just to fill in the gaps and cover the bases. I know that sounds like a lot, but that's basically soup to nuts both using and testing MO2. Take your time and run through the steps. I highly recommend using portable installations.

Much easier to deal with and update most of the time. Sorry for the late reply 2. But when I was setting up Mo2 I choose an instance and not a portable 5. But it does not change anymore because i have not installed any mods since then also a side note, when loading up MO2 i get the error saying"could not use configuration settings for game". You have to follow the directions from the mod developer to install the particular mod you want. In this particular mod the Ronin Base file is required to be installed first for it to work.

There are also sometimes optional files if you want even more features in the mod. You can also see the required game version for the different downloads.

Smaller mods requires only one download. The downloaded file is usually a. Once it is opened you can see the module files. Now you have to move the newly downloaded mod folders into your games module folder.

Just drag and drop it directly from the opened RAR file. In this case you also need to move the Native folder in there to change some default settings of the game. Click accept when it asks to overwrite or replace any files. From there you have to select the mod that you have just moved into the games modules folder.

The mod has now successfully been installed to your game. Click play and start up the game. Enjoy your new mod.

First thing you should do is download the Vortex mod manager. It can be download from nexusmods download page. Once it is download open the. Then search for Bannerlord and add it as a managed game. You also have to log in to your nexusmods account through the Vortex app before you can download mods.

I did that, but it doesn't seem to have solved the issue. I'm trying to download a mod and get an error saying "Unable to write download to drive return -1 Check the drive's available storage" Can I fix that?

Vipernixz View Profile View Posts. Hey dude lil late to party but did you figure it out lol. Le View Profile View Posts.

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