Status of the software update is displayed by progress bar and comments. Skip navigation English. Video example of update with USB-drive from Bootloader menu.
Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element. Example: Select the network interface active network interface ;. The stability of the beta version is not guaranteed. On this page:. Was this article helpful? Yes No. Sorry to hear that. At this point, I'm recommending that everyone stay away from Infomir products period.
There are much better options in the marketplace today than Infomir products. Don't take my word for it just look through the Infomir community and you'll find hundreds of unhappy customers with no response or resolution regardless of the model of MAG they are using.
Infomir support is inexistant! I own myself a MAG and sound drops every time I change channels. Support never found solution to the problem and I haven't heard back from them for 2 months now on the issue. I accept that devices will crash or have issues, I however will not accept to not have the issues fixed in a timely manner.
We received your request and have sent it to the Infomir Help Desk. A response will be sent to your specified e-mail. I can send you link in private message if you'd like. Hi recent firmware update to mag r23 is not working well at all. Check the box if you want to subscribe to our marketing newsletters. Select a country from the list:.
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Thank you Your message has been sent. Our manager will contact you as soon as possible. Your email:. We will use this address to contact you Please fill in the field to continue. We will provide information for your region Please select the country to continue. Select an option, and we will develop the best offer for you.
Our manager will use this email address to contact you. Please fill in the field to continue. We will provide information for your quantity Please fill in the field to continue. Thank you! Your message has been sent. Your request will be processed shortly. Home Press-Center News Firmware 0. Firmware 0. Read on to find out more. To access the portal, carry out the following steps: Firstly, ensure your TV is switched on and you can view your MAG on screen via the correct input. Now remove the power cord from the rear of the box and then reinsert to make the box reboot.
From the on-screen details you will be able to see if there is a new firmware update available or not. Whilst the firmware update runs, please be patient.