Level 4 helps high-intermediate students write varied academic essays. The text's time-proven approach integrates essay organization, grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and the writing process.
Level 5 helps advanced students write varied academic essays and research papers. The text's time-proven approach integrates essay and research paper organization, research skills, grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and the writing process. Top of page. The product you are about to purchase does not give you access to the digital book; you will only have access to the online activities.
Longman Academic Writing Series. Interactive tasks, such as pair and group work, allow students to receive peer feedback on their individual writing. Level 5 offers more advanced guidance in the writing of essays and research papers. Level 4 teaches high-intermediate students to write various genres of academic essays.
The text's proven approach integrates training in grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and essay organization along with the writing process. Each unit introduces a theme and writing task and then guides the student writer through the process of gathering ideas, organizing an outline, drafting, revising, and editing.
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