This is achieved by basically downloading the webpage or many webpages. Wget is probably the most famous one among all the downloading options. It allows downloading from http, https, as well as FTP servers. It can download the entire website and also allows proxy browsing.
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Improve this question. The color contrasts with the yellow, and syntax highlighting is a nice change from the drab command line. As you can see, you first need to confirm the connection using the RSA fingerprint of the remote server. Replace [UserName] with your own Windows username.
Each RSA fingerprint is added on a new line. This allows you to clear them easily by deleting an entire line at once if you ever need to remove an entry. Navigate to the location you specified in your SCP command and the file should be visible. SCP is the most direct way to transfer files from remote servers to local systems.
In comparison, 's cat-solution finishes in less than 0. Not very surprising, really. This is obviously silly, since without using external utilities, there's not much we can do with the downloaded file, not even make it executable. So you can also use SSH to upload to it. Which is functionally equivalent to downloading of software packages etc. As shown in this answer , you would execute the following on your local machine to place a file on your remote headless server:.
The disadvantage of the above solution compared to downloading is lower transfer speed, since the connection with your local machine usually has much less bandwidth than the connection between your headless server and other servers. To solve that, you can of course execute the above command on another server with decent bandwidth. To make that more comfortable avoiding a manual login on the third machine , here is a command to execute on your local machine. See the explanations below for the reason.
The command will ssh to your third machine intermediate-host , start downloading a file to there via wget , and start uploading it to target-host via SSH.
Downloading and uploading use the bandwidth of your intermediate-host and happen at the same time due to Bash pipe equivalents , so progress will be fast. For the -T -e none SSH options when using it to transfer files, see these detailed explanations.
This command is meant for cases where you can't use SSH's public key authentication mechanism — it still happens with some shared hosting providers, notably Host Europe.
To still automate the process, we rely on sshpass to be able to supply the password in the command. It requires sshpass to be installed on your intermediate host sudo apt-get install sshpass under Ubuntu. We try to use sshpass in a secure way, but it will still not be as secure as the SSH pubkey mechanism says man sshpass. In particular, we supply the SSH password not as a command line argument but via a file, which is replaced by bash process substitution to make sure it never exists on disk.
The printf is a bash built-in, making sure this part of the code does not pop up as a separate command in ps output as that would expose the password [ source ]. And that without using a temp file [ source ].
But no guarantees, maybe I overlooked something. Again to make the sshpass usage safe, we need to prevent the command from being recorded to the bash history on your local machine. For that, the whole command is prepended with one space character, which has this effect. Normally, SSH would then wait for user input to confirm the connection attempt. We make it proceed anyway. So we have to rewrite the typical wget -O - … ssh … command into a form without a bash pipe, as explained here.