How to download files through rucio and open them

However you can specify a different VO as a CLI argument if your credentials map to an account there too:. There are 3 CLI login methods. Two were introduced in order to avoid typing the password in the Rucio CLI. In the following examples we assume that user does not want to use the rucio account name specified in the rucio. Furthermore, we use the same default issuer as configured on Rucio server side. There are 3 CLI login methods.

Two were introduced in order to avoid typing the password in the Rucio CLI. In the following examples we assume that user does not want to use the rucio account name specified in the rucio. If this is the first time you are using the grid, then this may well not show anything. Let's now try and find some data. This is especially true for MC datasets. You can also search for patterns, e. Valid keys are name, type. You can query the DIDs matching a certain pattern.

It always requires to specify the scope in which you want to search:. Valid keys are type and length. Use type to specify a DID type to search for. Use length to filter for an amount of corresponding Data IDentifiers. This command sets the lifetime of the DID in order to expire in the next 24 hours. After this time, the dataset is eligible for deletion. The deletion is not reversible after 24 hours grace time period expired.

List all the files in a Data IDentifier. The DID can be a container, dataset or a file. Transfer timeout in seconds. That should do it. You can now just run your script the same way you did before and with a little luck you will get the same result as before.

The initialization will take a little longer, as this will actually query dq2 to find the datasets matching your request, and then again for each dataset to locate the actual files. However, compared to the overall run-time this overhead should be small, and the power you gain is most likely worth it.


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