Podcast An oral history of Stack Overflow — told by its founding team. Millinery on the Stack: Join us for Winter Summer? Bash, ! Featured on Meta. New responsive Activity page. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Can anyone help, please? I already know how to do this using FTP in BlueVoda, but this computer at my office doesn't have BlueVoda software on it, and I really don't want to install it since I use exclusively for business.
Thanks very much for helping me. Re: How to download my files from CPanel to Another pc? CarbonTerry Semper Fi Still green Thanks for your clever answer CTerry , but let's assume that I DON'T have a storage device or that I don't want to carry one to work since my files may contain important data that I don't want to lose on the bus, and let's also assume that I just want to be able to access my files right from my workplace by using the Cpanel-FileManager.
How do I do it? I will really appreciate any help on how to do that. Thanks a million in advance. No "cleverness" intended. I spent a few minutes in my Cpanel trying to save a file outside the server and couldn't solve it before I posted my answer.
Join Date Feb Posts 1, A requirement was to not have BV installed on the business computer. Dear Mrmagoo, Thanks for your help. That's why I would like to access my picture folder through the FileManager in Cpanel. I can "see" the folder when I log into my Cpanel, but I just don't know how to copy-paste or transfer the entire folder to my local pc. I know I can also open each picture contained in the folder inside the web browser, then click "Save as an Image" but it will take me forever since the folder contains hundreds of pix.
I was able to upload it entirely, now i want to know how to download it. I hope my explanations are not confusing this time. How do I edit headers and footers in WordPress? Go to your WordPress Admin interface and open a post or page editor. How do I use Webhooks in WordPress? You can add a webhook by clicking. It seems pretty necessary. Is there any other automated way to download weekly backups?
Mar 26, 39 2 Show hidden low quality content. You must log in or register to reply here. Top Bottom. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies.
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