Have game pass ultimate but can download games pc

Crazy Cat Swag. Issue: Cannot Download Games On My PC Even Though I Have Ultimate Gamepass So I got a brand new laptop today and went to download games on it from the xbox app and xbox companion app but it just prompts me to subscribe to gamepass by offering the 1 month and 3 month prices for regular and the 1 month price for Ultimate.

This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Hey there, just from the description of the problem there is only two things i can think of. Are there different versions of Ultimate Gamepass?

There is only one right? These codes will automatically convert to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate based on the following conversion table. Conversion ratio subject to change. Visit xbox. How long do I have access to games within the Xbox Game Pass plans library? How do I get started? Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members will automatically receive the entitlement for EA Play on console and can browse and download games through the Game Pass experience on your console.

The Xbox app on Windows PC will walk you through the setup process. The recurring billing feature is switched on by default, meaning you'll automatically pay for a new subscription period when your current period ends. You can switch recurring billing off and back on through your Microsoft account or from your console. Glad that im not the only one confused on how we are suppose to get the games on PC, this download this app and link account just seems dumb and should just be added like it was on console.

Still doesnt work, and Microsoft says its released for PC. I believe this is a problem on EAs end. I have this problem too. I have xbox game pass ultimate subscription but I can't install any ea play game. I finally got this fixed and you won't believe the nonsense it took. The major issue is that you need to link an EA Play account to your Xbox account. This can't be done through either Desktop app.

You instead need to do it using an Xbox game on an Xbox. Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. Sign In or Register. See details Show less. Turn on suggestions.

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Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Newmoon 2 years ago 3 Did you download the new xbox app? Whitesburg 2 years ago 6 Mine was flaky at the store and wouldnt let me get it, I had to update win10 and get that beta thingy.

SarcChigaimasu Topic Creator 2 years ago 7 Thanks to all who responded.


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