Now that the Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative is out, I've been looking at some of the available maps, but I'm not sure how to actually download them. I've gone into an author's or collection's page, where I can subscribe to an item. I've clicked the Subscribe button and the subscriptions have been added successfully, but nothing else happens - no downloads begin, no download buttons appear. How do I actually download the maps I've subscribed to? I hope it doesn't involve going into the actual Portal 2 game, as it's a bit of an inconvenience to have to start it up just to download the maps.
I've left the Portal 2 tag out because I assume all Steam workshop pages work in the same way, and answers will apply to other games as well.
You do not do anything. The content should download automatically. In the case of Portal 2, the map will download when you try to start it for the first time. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. I've subscribed to an item on Steam Workshop - how do I download it? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Once the mod has downloaded[may take a few minutes], it will syncronize. Then just hit play in the launcher and the game will start with your mod installed. To verify the mod is activated, on the games main menu click Data Files and make sure there is a check mark in the box next to the mods name.
Thats it? All you have to do is play the game while it DL's? I feel stupid. Then hit play again Open data files and make sure there is a check mark next to the mods name before you hit play a second time.
Last edited by ronr42 ; 21 Jan, am. I'm so confused. When I hit the play button the menu appears, nothing happens. Check mark, I'll go see. Yes, theres check maks beside the mods. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. OK, one more time. You subscribe to the mod 2. You hit play in your library for Skyrim and the launch menu appears. Now wait for the mod to download, it may take a few minutes. You can see the progress of the download in the top right corner of the launch menu.
Once it downloads and syncronizes hit play in the launch window to start the game. Originally posted by Savage :.
If so, it will ping Steam Client to start the download. The Client takes over so you should see the download progress in it. If you don't, please restart the Game Launcher.
To activate a mod, simply tick the little checkbox on the left of a mod name in the list and click Apply. If a mod wasn't unpacked before, clicking Apply will unpack it and make it ready for use by the game.
This same list shows what mods you're currently using and their load priority. Load order is only important when more than one mod is changing the same game item. For example if two mods are changing the model of the same ship same keyname in the database , the mod with the higher order number 2 is higher than 1 will be the one actually used by the game. So if something is not showing up in the game in the way you expected, it's always a good idea to see if the active mods are truly compatible with each other.
To say it differently, the first mod in the list 1. By default, the game first takes into account the default vanilla files. If it encounters some kind of an override file in one of the active mods, then that modded file is used. Due to the open nature of Warlords and what can be modded, this compatibility can only be ensured by the mod creators. Modders are definitely encouraged to properly tag their creations since that can be an indication whether or not two separate mods can work together properly.
The last thing remaining is to play the modded game. We cannot emphasize this enough. Saves created using modded content can drastically alter what information is saved and may prevent the save file in question from ever working in the vanilla game.
Just imagine you're playing a mod that gives you a completely new ship that doesn't exist in the base game and you save the game. If you deactivate the mod and try loading the save in the base vanilla game, the ship won't exist and will cause the game to crash.
The game simply cannot load something that isn't there. We'll do our best to circumvent such problematic scenarios, but it's unlikely we can do that for all potential problems. If you run into any problems running a modded game, please check the comments section of the mods you have set as active. If you're contacting us for support, either through the discussion board, or by email, please inform us if you're using mods, and what mods if possible.