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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Shahid Rehan. A short summary of this paper. The business consists of One Hundred and thirty five employees and has recently adopted the ISO policy. These services are offered to both public and private clients. Shift times include the day shift staff who work from 08h00 am to 17h00pm and the weekend shift for employees who work on weekends from 09h00am to 16h00pm. Some of the equipment and tools used include excavators, backhoes, graders and hand-operated tools such as jackhammers and mixers and scaffolding, and chemical substances asphalt, bitumen, cement, and paint these are just a few to mention.
The Company focuses on delivering customer satisfaction on all projects either big or small. The Company commits to the principle of sustainability through safety and health and environmental implementation on all projects. The Company regularly participates in joint ventures and the hiring of sub contractors. We will evaluate the health and safety policy within the construction site and its compliance with the HSE standards.
You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment approximately words : After conducting a field inspection and consultation with labourers, builders and foremen it was noted that many pieces of equipment were in poor condition and not regularly inspected or maintained. It was further noted that employees in higher and lower ranks were not given proper skilled training in respect of machine operation, hence causing improper body movements which can be injurious to health.
I went on to do some research and I have referred to the following, using them as benchmarks for this risk assessment: the ISO is a management system which provides a framework on how a business can manage and prevent risks. The ILO provides for equality, freedom, equity, security and dignity to all within the workplace and Health and Safety Executive - provided insight on management, as management is responsible for planning and monitoring of environment, health protection and occupational safety.
During the assessment equipment was inspected, detailed notes were taken and an inventory was created. I have taken into account previous company financial statistics, accident reports and other relevant information to create a proper record system of the amount of tools and equipment, to create a new maintenance plan and to ensure safety.
It was further investigated that training was not provided in order to operate these machineries or equipment. It was suggested that training be provided in accordance with ILO standards. It was further noted that according to Continual Improvement Clause Machinery are not conducted certified to be operated Provide for ongoing training 1 month to uplift and make operators more skilled and efficient, so that the job can be completed on time.
The three priorities which I have selected to be major priorities are: 1. Purchasing of a forklift to assist with movement and transportation of heavy materials, 2. Creating a maintenance plan in respect of all equipment and tools 3.
Purchasing eco-friendly materials and resources to reduce risks Construction is a highly relative and dangerous industry. We know best that maintaining a good image is completely reliant on how our business is run. We ensure quality and safety in all of our projects, but we however know that an accident is not impossible while having a safety plan in progress.
We have recently adopted the ISO Policy and previously were bound by our ethics and business principles. We understand that non-compliance has significant reputational risks and this could lead to fines and penalties and possibility of procuring work.
We now strive to be accredited and ensure we are fully compliant with all legislation within our field. Financial implications on the above priorities: 1. The purchasing of a forklift to assist with carrying, transporting heavy objects like bricks, blocks, cement, and other heavy building material or equipment from one place to another within the building site. The cost of investing in a forklift is high but in the long term it is very reasonable, as it saves time from doing the same work manually, it reduces the risk of employees being injured and it can assist in reducing the workload.
By investing or purchasing a forklift the benefits are endless, it can reduce medical and insurance costs to a business and increase productivity. By creating a maintenance plan for all equipment and tools is a plus point to a business especially on a construction site. This can be an inexpensive exercise and has positive implications on the business.
Maintained and regularly services equipment and tools can increase productivity and reduce the risk of workers being injured. The now purchasing of raw material and other resources example; cement, tile glue and other adhesives, plastic, paint and hand tools will now be eco friendly and environmentally safe. He details time-tested methods to help you:. The book includes charts, checklists, and sample reports to help you speed up the data gathering, analysis, and document development process.
Walking you through the process of conducting an effective security assessment, it provides the tools and up-to-date understanding you need to select the security measures best suited to your organization.
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