Star Tour of Heroes app written with Angular papa-heroes-angular. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Why abstracted CSS? Tour of Heroes This project was created to help represent a fundamental app written with Angular.
About Tour of Heroes app written with Angular papa-heroes-angular. Releases No releases published. Sponsor this project. Packages 0 No packages published. You signed in with another tab or window.
Reload to refresh your session. You'll add editable fields to update a model with two-way data binding. You'll bind component methods to user events, like keystrokes and clicks. You'll enable users to select a hero from a master list and edit that hero in the details view. You'll format data with pipes. You'll create a shared service to assemble the heroes.
And you'll use routing to navigate among different views and their components. You'll learn enough core Angular to get started and gain confidence that Angular can do whatever you need it to do.
You'll cover a lot of ground at an introductory level, and you'll find many links to pages with greater depth. When you're done with this tutorial, the app will look like this. Here's a visual idea of where this tutorial leads, beginning with the "Dashboard" view and the most heroic heroes:. You can click the two links above the dashboard "Dashboard" and "Heroes" to navigate between this Dashboard view and a Heroes view.
If you click the dashboard hero "Magneta," the router opens a "Hero Details" view where you can change the hero's name. Clicking the "Back" button returns you to the Dashboard. Links at the top take you to either of the main views. If you click "Heroes," the app displays the "Heroes" master list view.
When you click a different hero name, the read-only mini detail beneath the list reflects the new choice. You can click the "View Details" button to drill into the editable details of the selected hero. You'll build the Tour of Heroes app, step by step. Each step is motivated with a requirement that you've likely met in many applications. Everything has a reason. Overview 2. Setup 3. Learning Angular 4.