Download android app from wordpress site plugin

Added flag for notification cache and few other improvements in notifications. Fixed: Not easy to scroll while typing the long comment. Fixed: Comment textbox not showing fully. Fixed: Comments screen invisible after clicking on add comment textbox. Fixed: issue in clicking on category link in list view pages, added its area so that clicking on it is easier now.

Fixed: app crash on playing video on full screen. Showing category link instead of author in News theme. Better looking menu, will add more features like expandable menu options soon. Fixed one push notification going even if Do not send push notification checkbox was checked issue for scheduled posts.

Removing blank space while removing google adsense ads. Added push notification statistics. Better Resolution for Push Notification image for news theme fixed display name issue Updated push notification registration, using latest GcmListener instead of broadcast receiver from google. Existing users no change in app or functionality 3. Removed push notification type settings. Fixed issue: interstitial ad not shown sometimes 3. Reduced apk size from 3. Now you can change theme colors at the runtime, you can change your app colors anytime.

Using thumbnails for featured images, to enable faster loading. Added post title, author, time ago, category in post detail page. WordPress mobile app plugin requires at least 3. Can I use my existing wordpress theme in mobile app? Yes, you can use your existing wordpress theme. Can I use my existing wrodpress site to install wapppress and build Mobile App? Yes, you can use your existing website to work with WappPress.

You can even use a new site if you want. I already have a fully mobile responsive theme on my site. So if I use this plugin, can I select that theme and home page in the theme selection drop down? Yes, it will allow you to select already installed theme and home page in the drop down. Will my all custom wordpress plugins work in mobile app? Most of the wordpress plugins work, but some of the more complex plugins may require some customization.

Does the mobile app build using WappPress plugin shows my content posts, comments, images in real-time? No mention of our brand or advertisement, the mobile app is white-labeled. We have automated the entire compilation process and are able to send you your application in 20 minutes!

The mobile app is able to display all the contents present on your site, at any time. Manually or when a page or article is published users of your mobile app receive a notification that directly opens the right page on the mobile app. Number of installations, graphical evolution of traffic, actions on the mobile app, geolocation, content view, language, browsing history, … All statistics are real-time and hosted on your site.

Directly from the app the users will be able to access all your content in just a few clicks, exploiting the power of the wordpress search engine.

We use the native WordPress system and the mobile app passes most anti-spam systems. Common questions and support documentation. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

Breeze through app development with simple no-code app making. Real-time website-app sync Sync your website with your app in real-time. Ensure every change you make on your website reflects instantly and automatically on your mobile app.

Instant App Delivery Make your own app in minutes. Download your ready-to-publish builds from AppMySite when you are done building your app. Affordable subscription plans Choose from a range of flexible and affordable subscription plans that match your needs. Automatically import website menu Import your WordPress website menu to the app automatically. Additionally, you can create your own menu with AppMySite as well. Customize the home screen Manage categories, add unlimited products, arrange sections, integrate CMS pages, and get access to your blogs, all from the home screen of your app.

Enhanced web-view Showcase your app home screen and internal screens in a highly optimized web-view environment. Multi-platform app preview Preview your app on both Android and iOS emulators. Get multiple device options with each emulator to thoroughly test your app. Real device testing Test your mobile app on a real smartphone with the AppMySite demo app. Evaluate your app performance and design in a real mobile environment. Ensure the best shopping experience for your customers.

Complete payment gateways support AppMySite supports any payment gateway integrated on your WooCommerce store. Please check our privacy policy from here. The following people have contributed to this plugin. View support forum. Donate to this plugin. Have you taken the WordPress Survey yet? Search WordPress. Description Native mobile app for android platform, create a beautiful mobile app for your wordpress blog in minutes, no programming knowledge required.


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