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Delivered from Distraction. Written by two prominent medical professionals who themse In this remarkable volume, Ned Hallowell and John Ratey bring the latest information on ADD to homes and hearts everywhere, conveying the burgeoning scientific information with humor, hope, and clarity. Delivered From Distraction Pdf. Thanks for allowing me the As the authors point out Semantic Scholar. Hallowell and J. January Just thirty minutes of effort a day for thirty days can restore and repair communication and connection, resurrect long-buried happiness and romance, and strengthen—even save—a marriage.
We deal with overload by tuning it out, but the repercussions on couples and commitment are serious. Without attention, there is no intimacy. And without intimacy, there is no connection. So how do couples find their way back? All of us who have been part of a couple for more than a few years will recognize ourselves in this reassuring book. Complete with scripts, tips, specific communication and interaction techniques, and a detailed day reconnection plan, as well as inspiring real-l.
Now the bestselling book is revised and updated with current medical information for a new generation searching for answers. Through vivid stories and case histories of patients—both adults and children—Hallowell and Ratey explore the varied forms ADHD takes, from hyperactivity to daydreaming.
They dispel common myths, offer helpful coping tools, and give a thorough accounting of all treatment options as well as tips for dealing with a diagnosed child, partner, or family member. Connect Author : Edward M.
Images of happy people stare out at us from magazine pages and television screens; they are successful and busy, hurrying from the office to the opera, eating healthfully and acting responsibly. We are a nation of achievers but, as Dr. Edward Hallowell makes clear in Connect, what sustains us—emotionally, psychologically, physically—is connectedness, the feeling that we are part of something that matters, something larger than ourselves that gives life its meaning, direction, and purpose.
Hallowell examines the real life most of us lead—overwhelmed, harried, pressured—and outlines the steps we can take to connect ourselves to the people and things that matter to us. He elevates the simplest forms of communication, understanding, and self-knowledge as examples of the human moment: the basis for the bridges we build to one another.
I will definitely recommend this book to psychology, non fiction lovers. Your Rating:. Your Comment:. Hallowell Submitted by: Jane Kivik.