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Vagrant Story — 81 mb. Vandal Hearts — mb. Vigilante 8 — 2nd Offense — mb. Yu-Gi-Oh — Forbidden Memories — mb. Fonte: Ig Compartilhe:. Android X10 Mini Pro. Crie um website ou blog gratuito no WordPress. Seguir Seguindo. Android X10 Mini Pro Junte-se a 72 outros seguidores. Ape Escape Download do jogo — mb Link alternativo. Bomberman Party Edition Download do jogo — mb Link alternativo. Bomberman World Download do jogo — mb Link alternativo. Breath of Fire IV Link alternativo.
Bust-a-Move 4 Download do jogo — mb Link alternativo. Thanks for feedback. All items, including steeds, can already be tweaked in before-match menu - you can turn off all of them. Bomb exploding speed is undergoing tweaks - currently in next version bomb duration is 16 frames longer than in 0.
This is literally my dream PC Bomberman clone. All it needs left is a number of features from other bomberman games that allow more complex game setups and I will consider it the best bomberman game ever.
Examples of that are being able to give each individual player powerups before starting the match and being able to set each individual AI its own difficulty level.
Also, I'd really appreciate it if you added a clone of Robobomber stage from Bomberman party edition to the game.
It's a stage where all the soft blocks are layed out in a checkered pattern and there is a large robot walking around the stage. If it stomps on you, you get stunned. It's feet can block your way. The real danger though is when it is blocking your way and it's large head torso is blocking your view while you are under it.
I think the robot it self might be hard to implement though. All in all great work. EDIT: More feedback: there are seams in tiles that I'm sure you've already noticed, stun time is too short, make it so that the gauntlet's the bomb throwing glove default behavior is to throw right beside the opponent if the oppenent is not beyond the max throw distance similar toi in other games.
Also, a suggestion that you may or may not like to implement; make it so that if you are on the revenge bombercart, you can hold the bomb button for a max of 3. Distance depends on how long you've held the button.
Lastly, bomb stop behavior is sort of erratic and sometimes the bomb does not stop at the tile it is nearest to. EDIT2: Huh, didn't notice that you can adjust the strength of the bombercart throw.
There is no way to tell how strong it will be after sdjusting it thoughm which is quite annoying. EDIT3: I know exactly how the bombercart throw strength works now. In other games, you are allowed to pick whether or not they are made. They are made from kick 2 jelly bombs at each other. When they collide, they act like the danger bombs from other bombermans grid explosion.
The strength will depend on the strongest bomb that collides but there is a certain limit to the strength max a quarter of the whole screen. Thanks for posting! Someone64 wrote: All it needs left is a number of features from other bomberman games that allow more complex game setups and I will consider it the best bomberman game ever. Someone64 wrote: Also, I'd really appreciate it if you added a clone of Robobomber stage from Bomberman party edition to the game.
Someone64 wrote: Also, I suggest changing bomb stop kick stop to a separate button, having 4 none directional buttons in total. Someone64 wrote: there are seams in tiles that I'm sure you've already noticed,. Someone64 wrote: stun time is too short,.
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Resident Evil 3 Nemesis — ,1 mb. Ridge Racer Type 4 — mb. Silent Hill — mb. Spider-Man — mb. Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro — mb.