Optimized launching Centered the "Featured Servers" text on Windows What's not working Minimize and Exit buttons in all the launcher pages except the Home page Notes This beta doesn't have launcher auto updates To play on 1. Beta 7 Pre-release. Beta 7 Release notes: Changelog: Fixed 1. Beta 6 Pre-release. The launcher now saves all the libraries, assets and natives in its own folder to fix crashes due to corrupted dependencies.
The server quick connect button will now follow the version you selected in the version switcher. Notes This beta doesn't have launcher auto updates. To play on 1.
After launching 1. Launch CB 1. Beta 5 Pre-release. Added a loading screen. Switched to the planned dual version original launcher design. Switched to one launch button with a version switcher. Added an online indicator. Replaced the background behind the launch button. Made the fonts look closer to the original. Added a glow around the launch button. Added a functional RAM slider.
Added a functional System Information panel. What's partially working Lunar Client friends list on 1. What's not working Minimize and Exit buttons in all the launcher pages except the Home page.
How to Install OptiFine with.. This version can be used by server owners and also developers. If you are a server-owner you can add this to your Upload a Thing! Customize a Thing. Download All Files. Select a Collection. Save to Collection. Tip Designer. Share this thing. Send to Thingiverse user. Remixed from: Select a Collection. Print Settings. May 23, Jun 19, Mar 20, Dec 17,