It was originally published several months ago…… With every day passing by bringing us closer to the next …. This means that over the last year prices have increased …. Think …. A small pouch with needed cables, charging …. It was on December 7th, that Japanese bombers attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, destroying 19 ships, aircraft and killing over 2, Americans. Why that title? With so many nonfiction preparedness books that have pages are filled ….
If you think that inflation is bad now, just wait until we …. Over the past several weeks there have been several deaths in my life. Here is a picture I took last night of a fantastic Amish Christmas light arrangement. Regardless of all the …. From food storage to …. If you are not familiar with this kit, it ….
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. Here are some words from GG58 about Panhandle Rancher. For those unaware Panhandle Rancher was an extraordinary individual who connected with many in private as well as posted in …. Imagine that medical care was inaccessible, or at least extremely difficult to access.
Not very farfetched with the insanity that continues to go on in the world. Learn about sheltering, foraging , medicinal plants, hunting , cold weather survival , bushcraft, and more. Over free prepper books and PDF downloads about food storage , gardening, chickens and backyard farming , permaculture , hunting and fishing , slaughtering animals and processing them, canning and food preservation, and even survival recipes. All kinds of DIY projects, food production and general self-sufficiency skills to help you thrive on your homestead.
Bees, wine-making, cleaning, soap-making, and much more! Even the old school Foxfire books. The ever popular midwife guide, home remedies , first aid, herbal medicine, personal hygiene issues and how to combat them, medicines and prescription substitutes , and general survival medicine. Firearms , home defense , primitive weapons, weapons construction and improvisation, explosives, the mental aspects of defending yourself , and more.
Like the other books on this page, this archive of emergency preparedness and survival PDFs is provided here as a resource to the public, for browsing or download. Topics range from communication to EMPs and everything in between.
A couple of solid resources to help you in your alternative energy efforts around the homestead. Like is often talked about, water is liquid life. Learn to store it , filter and purify it , harvest rainwater , and if possible, secure your own renewable source of water, such as a well or a reliable source of topwater. Lots of PDFs about improvising emergency shelter , retreats and bug out shelters , and more permanent housing and off grid homesteads as well as improvements and fortifications you can make to your existing home.
Sound information and best practices on maintaining hygiene and sanitation in a disaster scenario. Knots, rope tricks, lashing, and handy skills to know in dealing with cordage. Learn important fishing knots, climbing knots, boating , and knots for a hundred other scenarios.