Administração de marketing kotler pdf download

Recuerda que «Compartir es Construir». Tabla de contenidos de Marketing. Leer Descargar. Libros de Marketing Internacional. Libros de Marketing Agropecuario. Libros de Marketing de Contenidos.

Libros de Marketing de Moda. Libros de Marketing Relacional. Libros de Marketing Emocional. Libros de Marketing de Afiliados. Libros para crear Plan de Marketing. Libros de Marketing Digital. Evans y Fredy H. Ballen Fuente: University of Florida. We also believe there is always a good story behind a good mission. Therefore, spreading the mission to consumers involves a story that moves people. An unusual idea embedded in a mission would have to reach mainstream market adoption to make a significant impact.

In other words, realizing the mission requires consumer participation. Thus, consumer empowerment is crucial. Business as Unusual To find an original and innovative business idea is the dream of every start-up company. But, what we really need is to find the ideas before they are known to be breakthrough by others. That requires a capability known as strategic foresight.

This capability is rare and has always been found in the visionary and charismatic leaders who in- troduced great business ideas over the past decades see Ta- ble 3. Their personal mission and their brand mission are inseparable and often the same.

Visionary leaders are not necessarily innova- tors and pioneers. In fact, leaders such as Herb Kelleher, Anita Roddick, and even Bill Gates got their inspiration from other companies. But they were the ones who made the idea bigger and more meaningful to human lives.

Table 3. A business leader who captures this small change might gain significant advantage. To do this, leaders should not be operational lead- ers who focus on internal organization. They should be open for discovery and have outside-in mind-sets.

Next, a good mission is always about change, transfor- mation, and making a difference. When a brand brings transformation, consumers will unconsciously accept the brand as part of their daily lives. This is what human spirit marketing is all about. In their book The Ex- perience Economy, Pine and Gilmore argued that once the experience economy matures, it is time for the transforma- tion economy to emerge. Brand missions do not have to be complicated and so- phisticated. In fact, they should be simple to allow for flexible business scoping.

Look how visionary leaders pursue differ- ent strategies to fulfill their mission. Steve Jobs did it with the Mac, the iPod, and the iPhone, each influencing a differ- ent industry. Jeff Bezos launched the Kindle after success- fully building Amazon. Companies need to continually rethink how to pursue their mission.

To do that, they can- not rely on their founders forever. They need leaders at all levels. Some people argue that visionaries tend to be en- trepreneurs.

However, that should not discourage companies from encouraging intrapreneurs with visionary capabilities. General Electric has always been a benchmark for creating leaders within its organization, according to Noel Tichy. In fact, we can consider him as one of the master storytellers in business history. He al- ways begins with a story. After the story is delivered, Jobs will then speak about the features and the set of facts regarding the product.

He told a compelling story as to why was a year of transformation for the computing industry. He argued that Apple was the only hope for dealers and consumers to avoid such dominance and enjoy the freedom of choice. In , he en- gaged in another bit of brilliant storytelling.

He introduced the iPod. The reason for being of the iPod was to let people carry the music libraries of their entire lives in their pockets. In , he introduced the iPhone with the promise of transfor- mation.

The iPhone was portrayed as a revolutionary, smart, and easy-to-use device that combines music, phone, and the Internet.

With his compelling stories, Steve Jobs has delivered the mission of transformation for the computing, music, and phone industries over the past 25 years. But the stories that Jobs delivered were just the be- ginning. The complete stories of the Apple brand are the ones that have been continuously shaped in collaboration by multiple writers: the employees, channel partners, and most importantly the consumers.

In the horizontal world, a big part of the story surrounding a brand is from collec- tive wisdom. As stories are passed on from one writer to another, the stories are continuously rewritten. Companies can never be sure about the final stories circulating in the market. Hence, telling authentic stories in the beginning is always best.

A brand story, according to Holt, has at least three ma- jor components: character, plot, and metaphor. Once a brand becomes identified with a cultural movement, it becomes a cultural brand.

For exam- ple, The Body Shop is the symbol of social activism while Dis- ney is a symbol of family ideals. In other words, a brand should promise business as unusual and deliver cultural satisfaction. In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath of- fer three types of good story plots: challenge, connection, and creativity.

In this type of plot, a brand plays the role of a weaker protagonist that takes on the challenge against a stronger opponent or difficult obstacle. The brand, of course, wins at the end. The Body Shop makes a fine example of a challenge plot as it brings the stories of farmers in devel- oping countries who fight for fair trade.

Plots you find in the Chicken Soup book series are examples of connection plots. In this type of plot, the brand is bridging the gaps that exist in everyday lives: racial, age, gender, and so on. Social media brands like Facebook use the connection plot to spread their stories. Virgin is well known for using this type of story with Richard Branson playing the MacGyver character. Most visionary leaders do not make up the stories. They simply spot the available ones floating around in everyday lives.

Most stories are out there. That is what makes them sound and feel so relevant. But of course, you need to be sensitive to be able to capture the stories. To help you, Gerald and Lindsay Zaltman offer a process to reveal the deep metaphors. Using the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique ZMET , we can pull out the metaphors to understand how to construct our stories and how consumers are likely to respond to the stories.

They are balance, transformation, journey, container, connection, resource, and control. Through a systematic probing of the collages with the interviewees who collected them, we can interpret the deep metaphors embedded in the collage.

These insights will be useful for companies whose mission it is to improve consumer diet or promote employment diversity. Understand- ing the sense of transformation that consumers have when switching, for instance, to the environmentally-friendly Prius during the Cash-for-Clunkers program, might be useful to create stories for Toyota.

The container metaphor can symbolize either protection or trap. People in impoverished rural areas see poverty as the trap that seals them off from outside opportunities, while senior employees see pension funds as the protection that guarantees their future survival. Metaphors can help com- panies understand the context in which consumers live. The connection metaphor is about relationship. Companies can reveal how consumers see other people in their networks.

Companies can find the meaning of friendship or being a fan of one brand. Steve Jobs used the resource metaphor when he told the story that the iPhone would enable people to have the power of music, phone, and Internet in one device. The iPhone was positioned as a resource for the consumers. In an age of pandemics, consumers might express that they have no control over the spreading of diseases.

What they can con- trol is their own immunity. This is an example of the control metaphor. Characters are central in a story. They symbolize how the brand is perceived by the human spirit. Metaphors are the unconscious process happening in the human spirit. Stories with compatible metaphors will gain relevancy and be perceived as truths by consumers. Stories that move people have all three of these core components: character, plot, and metaphor.

Creating a good mission is a giant step for companies. Spreading it through storytelling is another.

Consumer Empowerment Every year, Time compiles a list of the most influential people in the world. The list never ranks the most fa- mous names, at least not officially. However, Time allows on- line readers to rank the list themselves. The creator of 4chan. According to Time, his web site gets 13 million page views a day and 5. In the horizontal world, people like to empower lesser known figures.

They see the figure as a symbol of themselves: consumers with less power among the corporate giants. Giv- ing consumers a sense of empowerment is therefore crucial in the pursuit of a brand mission.

Show that the mission be- longs to the consumers, and it is their responsibility to fulfill the mission. It is not only about getting buy-in but also about making an impact. Although the individual consumer is weak, their collective power will always be bigger than the power of any firm. The network may develop with one-to-one relationships, one-to-many relationships, or many-to-many relationships.

When companies broadcast their brand stories through advertising, in the consumer network, the stories are spread one-to-one from one member to the other. Whenever n is greater than or equal to 5, the power of the many-to-many network is always bigger than that of the one-to-one network. This simple math is the central con- cept of consumer empowerment. In celebration of its 10th birthday in September , Google asked for ideas from consumers on how to help others in eight categories: community, opportunity, energy, environment, health, education, shelter, and everything else.

Google will sort out finalists and ask the public to vote for the best 20 ideas. The best idea is the one that can help the most peo- ple in the deepest way. Google takes advantage of the power of the network while practicing consumer empowerment. The response was immense and Google is still in the process of selecting the finalists. It encourages consumers to post photos of their smiles and connect with others participating in the program.

Tide, a brand with a simple mission to clean clothes, has a program called Loads of Hope that lets people help others affected by disasters. Consumers can help Tide provide free mobile laundromats to disaster sites in multiple ways from making donations to volunteering. Marketing the Mission to the Consumers 65 Consumer empowerment is the platform for consumer conversation. Many-to-many conversation is what makes a consumer network so powerful.

A brand story has no mean- ing when consumers are not talking about it. At Amazon. It is also common at eBay where people rate buyers and sellers and leave comments that determine their reputations. There is even a web site dedicated to reviews and recommendations called Yelp, and it is localized to your neigh- borhood.

These are the early efforts to encourage consumer conversations. In a conversation, consumers review and give ratings to your brand and brand stories. Great reviews and ratings will influence the network to accept the stories. People who are familiar with Amazon. Consumers will find loopholes in any brand story.

This type of consumer behavior poses a threat to companies that treat brand mission as a public relations tool or sales gimmick. But stories with strong integrity pose no reason for worry. They will earn their credibility in the net- work. Companies should not try to buy their way into con- versation by sponsoring consumers to write bogus reviews.

Consumers will consider this manipulation. According to Pine and Gilmore, companies that try to cheat on their consumers will be dubbed phoniness-generating machines. Positive word-of-mouth is recommendation given by delighted consumers. Frederick Reichheld offers a practical tool called the Net Promoter Score to measure loyalty based on the willingness of consumers to recommend a brand to their networks.

It is a good measure of how active your brand is in the network of consumers. A high score is good news be- cause most consumers rely on recommendation as a reason to buy.

But it is not the complete story of conversation. Only brand stories that are talked about in the community will take advantage of the full power of the consumer network. A recent study by Wetpaint and the Altimeter Group showed that the most engaged brands in social networks increased their revenue by 18 percent.

Consider the Saab community. In early , Saab was in debt and its operations were about to be closed by General Motors. Defining a good mission starts with identi- fying small ideas that can make a big difference.

Remem- ber that mission comes first and financial return comes as a result. The best approach to spread the mission is through storytelling. Telling stories around the mission is about building character and plot based on metaphors. To convince consumers that your stories are authentic, engage them in conversation about your brand. Customer empow- erment is the key to making a difference. These are the three principles of marketing the mission to consumers: busi- ness as unusual, a story that moves people, and customer empowerment.

Anne B. Paul B. George S. Day and Paul J. David P. For an update, visit the official web site at www. Joseph Pine and James H. Frederick F. Many consumers have lost trust in major corpo- rations and in their executives. In a survey of the image of different professions, only 16 percent of respondents said they respect the integrity of business executives. Since the early s, a string of corporate scandals has struck the business world.

These scandals made corporate values almost meaningless to con- sumers and employees. Among the most prominent ones were the scandals at WorldCom, Tyco, and Enron. The En- ron scandal was an accounting fraud that led the company into bankruptcy. Enron included unrealized gains into its in- come statement that resulted in inflated earnings—a practice known as mark-to-market accounting. It was apparent that the accounting misconduct had been practiced for a long time and that the leaders were aware of the risks.

I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dys- functional environment. As you can imagine, there has been a tremendous amount of serious thought and heated discussion about how we should respond to this breach of trust. As most of us have done nothing wrong, guilt is not a motivation to surrender our earnings. Some employees are ignorant of their corporate values or see them designed only for public relations. In these cases, companies are not practicing Marketing 3. They need to be empowered with authentic values.

Companies need to use the same storytelling approach with their employees that they use with their consumers. However, storytelling to employees is harder because it is about staging authentic and consistent employment experience.

One misaligned action will spoil the entire story. Consumers can identify an inauthentic brand mission easily. Imagine how much easier it is for employees to spot fake values internally. Privately-held companies usually have better chances at building strong values. They usually grow at the right pace without pressure from investors. They can ingrain their val- ues one employee at the time.

We believe that practicing corporate values will create the ProfitAbility, ReturnAbility, and SustainAbility that will be discussed later in Chapter 6. Aspirational values are values that a company lacks but the management hopes to achieve. Accidental values are acquired as a result of common personality traits of em- ployees. Permission-to-play values are so basic that other companies have the same standard.

The values of professionalism and integrity are normally assumed and therefore not core values but permission-to-play values. Moreover, remember that aspirational values are values that employees do not have as yet and therefore, cannot form the fundamental corporate culture. Nor can accidental values be treated as core val- ues; they can alienate prospective employees with different personalities.

Understanding the four types of values can help companies to design their core values better and avoid inauthentic ones. We will talk only about the core values that guide em- ployees to live up to the brand mission. We call them shared values. Shared values are one half of the corporate culture.

The other half is the common behavior of employees. Shaping a corporate culture means aligning shared values and com- mon behavior. In other words, it is about demonstrating the values through everyday behavior within the corporation see Table 4.

It is important to have employees acting as values ambassadors to market the brand mission to consumers. Not all shared values are necessarily relevant and power- ful in Marketing 3. Good values are the ones aligned with the forces at work: collaborative technology, globalization- driven cultural transformation, and the rising importance of creativity.

Chapter 1 described these forces. In the interlinked world powered by information technology, people are increas- ingly collaborating to achieve one goal. Globalization causes cultural transformation to take place quickly and frequently. Hence, good values are those that stimulate and nurture the collaborative, cultural, and creative sides of employees see Figure 4. Cisco Human network Offices are labs for products.

Employees are. T collaboration allowed to telecommute. Decision making is spread among hundreds of executives.

T Rent- start as management trainees; good performers A-Car are given the chance to run a branch. Employees are given freedom to design their own workspace.

Mayo Clinic Integrated caring Multiple physicians, scientists, and allied health. T professionals collaborate to diagnose and treat each patient. Johnson Family values No meetings on Fridays; employees who are T. T couples have overseas assignments together. Wegmans Passion for food Employees are trained to be food ambassadors and T. T can purchase discounted gift cards to buy food. Whole Foods Democracy Decisions made based on employee votes; stores. T T are autonomous profit centers.

Cisco literally builds technical and human networks. The company uses its own offices as internal labs for products. Decision making is spread among executives worldwide. This enables Cisco to make critical decisions faster and empowers collaboration of its global executives. The Mayo Clinic also fosters the values of collaboration. A number of physicians and other health experts come together to serve each patient.

They collaborate to perform faster and more accurate diagnoses. They collaborate to treat the patient comprehensively. The culture of collaboration is what makes good physicians come to work for Mayo Clinic. By using the so-called Mayo Clinic Model of Care, the health care provider transforms the way doctors treat patients. Thus, it has cul- tural impact as well. Wegmans transforms the way people see food. Its employ- ees are encouraged to appreciate food more deeply than ever before.

The company also help consumers appreciate food. Johnson changes the way employees see family. They become better contributors to their families. The company develops products that are good for families.

Whole Foods changes the way employees experience democracy. They feel more empowered as many decisions that affect employees are made through employee voting. Enterprise Rent-A-Car trans- forms college graduates into entrepreneurs by giving them the chance to run their own branches when they are ready. The company also transforms why people rent cars. At one time, people primarily rented cars in airports when they were trav- eling. Today, people can rent cars conveniently for many dif- ferent reasons because there are so many car rental branches near their neighborhoods.

Finally, building creative values is about giving employ- ees the chance to develop and share their innovative ideas. In such companies, it is imperative to have creative employees. To nurture creativ- ity, 3M allows employees to spend a portion of their time on pet projects. Employees can seek company funding for these projects and look for support from their colleagues.

Besides encouraging creativity, this policy also deep- ens collaboration among employees. A company with values has an advantage in competing for talent. The produc- tivity of the employees is higher when they have a good set of values to guide their actions.

Furthermore, they become bet- ter company representatives to serve consumers. The com- pany is also more capable of managing differences within the organization, which is important especially for a large corporation. This proves one thing: Good values attract good people. Prospective employees unconsciously compare their personal values with the values of corporations and look for a good fit.

This is especially true for recent graduates, many of whom are idealists. For instance, 50 percent of MBA graduates said in a poll that they were willing to take a pay cut to work in a socially-responsible company. A recent study by Ready, Hill, and Conger focused on attracting and retaining talent in emerging markets. Emerging-market employees look for employers that provide the opportunity to change the world and bring cultural transformation to their home countries.

They also are interested in employers that fulfill their brand promises internally, that is, companies with a good culture. A chave do sucesso est em atrair e reter a ateno do consumidor. Para se ter um Plano de Marketing bem estruturado preciso partir dos 4Ps e obedecer alguns critrios que faro com que o mesmo torne-se bem sucedido. As etapas de um Plano de Marketing so as seguintes: Anlise da Situao - Nesta etapa a definio da estrutura de negcios da organizao.

A idia aqui representar o estado atual da organizao, relacionando os processos internos e externos de negcio, a viso da organizao, etc. Nesta fase definida a formalizao da viso, dos objetivos estratgicos, composto pelo conjunto dos processos gerenciais, operacionais e de suporte que sero envolvidos na mudana.

Definir o Pblico-Alvo - A definio do pblico-alvo significa identificar um segmento particular ou segmentos da populao que voc deseja atingir. O mercado consiste em muitos tipos de clientes, produtos e necessidades.

Oportunidades e Ameaas do Mercado Aps analisar a situao atual e definir o pblico-alvo, precisamos conhecer as oportunidades e ameaas que o mercado proporciona, pois administrar um negcio significa conhecer os ambientes interno e externo da organizao, para que no Plano de Marketing constem as melhores alternativas para superar os desafios do mercado.

Anlise da Concorrncia A anlise da concorrncia uma questo fundamental para a formulao de um Plano de Marketing adequado realidade do mercado atual e potencial em um setor de negcios. Nesta fase iremos identificar os pontos fortes e pontos fracos do concorrente para podermos potencializar e transformar em oportunidade para o nosso negcio. Identificar foras, fraquezas, ameaas e oportunidades do negcio que voc est inserido fundamental para se obter vantagem competitiva.

Obtendo estas informaes lhe facilitar estabelecer metas e objetivos de Marketing a serem alcanados e seu empreendimento ter mais chances de obter sucesso. Objetivos e Metas de Marketing - Aqui so definidas as metas financeiras e de marketing do plano em termos de volume de vendas, participao de mercado e lucro. Os objetivos devem ser traados no intuito de indicar para onde a empresa deseja ir.

Estratgias de Marketing Apresenta a abordagem ampla de marketing que ser usada para atingir os objetivos do plano. Os objetivos definem para aonde se pretende ir, e as estratgias devem descrever os caminhos para se chegar l, devendo ser consistentes com os recursos disponveis.

Planos de Ao - Deve conter especificados os planos de marketing para atingir os objetivos do negcio. Para implementar a estratgia de marketing preciso traar um Plano de Ao composto dos seguintes itens: 1.

A verba de marketing varia de acordo com a realidade de cada negcio e deve ser contemplada a partir do faturamento da empresa.

Controles - Descrevemos os controles para a monitorao do plano. Todas as aes que analisamos e que fazem parte de um Plano de Marketing dar ateno a estas aes o que faz a diferena entre o sucesso e o fracasso de um empreendimento, mecanismo que auxilia nas tomadas de decises de Marketing e nas provveis oscilaes do ambiente, ajuda a visualizar o futuro e estabelecer alternativas para solucionar os possveis problemas que podero acontecer.

Se realizado corretamente o Plano de Marketing e analisado seus requisitos obteremos muitas vantagens tais como: Aumento da integrao de todas atividades de marketing, minimizar os efeitos das crises, etc.

Mas no podemos aguardar que o Plano de Marketing nos fornea todas as respostas prontas e obter sucesso. Para as empresas pequenas que no possuem departamento especializado, uma consultoria de marketing uma alternativa para definir estratgias gerais, rever conceitos. Muitas vezes, a falta de gesto em marketing influencia diretamente no sucesso das empresas. Uma consultoria de marketing tem seu preo, mas deve ser considerado um investimento e no mais uma simples despesa. Tradicionalmente, a comunicao empresarial tem sido trabalhada como o somatrio de atividades realizadas independentemente por departamentos, divises ou assessorias que, necessariamente, no se articulam, ou seja, no h uma unidade, tendo em vista objetivos, valores e uma misso comum.

Na prtica, o que pior, alm da falta de um planejamento comum, estes departamentos ou assessorias competem entre si, definindo instncias particulares de deciso dentro das empresas ou entidades, seguindo a velha frmula de "aqui quem manda sou eu". A comunicao interna fica entregue rea de Relaes Pblicas, os jornalistas editam os House Organs Veculo de comunicao que circula dentro de empresas e entidades, servindo como porta-voz entre funcionrio e patro.

Neles so divulgados eventos e fatos internos. Reunir todos eles numa mesa para um dilogo produtivo, uma dificuldade ou algo impossvel em muitas talvez na maioria das organizaes. Uma empresa ou entidade no pode ser descontrada em suas campanhas publicitrias e burocrtica ou autoritria na sua comunicao interna; no pode proclamar o seu desenvolvimento tecnolgico no seu esforo de marketing e andar de.

A Comunicao Integrada pressupe no apenas um dilogo produtivo, mas um planejamento conjunto. Os feudos esto com os dias contados, ainda que devam resistir, bravamente, a esta nova postura, que retira poder e distribui responsabilidades.

A utilizao das novas tecnologias, a presena na Web Internet , as formas mltiplas de relacionamento com os pblicos SAC, Marketing de consumidor, CRM -Customer Relationship Management Administrao de Relacionamentos com Clientes , Webmarketing, etc devem integrar este composto maior de Comunicao, porque a experincia revela que quando h um sinergia de foras, todo o conjunto fica mais forte.

Para facilitar a compreenso dos elementos do mix de comunicao, Pblio separa-os em seis elementos principais: - Comunicao de Massa, ou Publicidade e Propaganda; - Comunicao sem o uso de mdia tradicional, ou Comunicao Promocional; - Comunicao para pblicos estratgicos, ou Comunicao de Relaes Pblicas; - Comunicao Interpessoal, ou Venda Pessoal - Comunicao com suporte tecnolgico, ou Comunicao via web; - Comunicao Visual Coorporativa, ou Identidade Cooporativa, Identidade Visual ou projeto grfico.

GESTO COMERCIAL A gesto comercial uma das tradicionais reas funcionais da gesto, encontrada em qualquer organizao e qual cabem a execuo de tarefas de mbito comercial e de marketing, nomeadamente: - O estudo da envolvente externa e das capacidades da prpria organizao afim de realizar previses de vendas afim de determinar as principais ameaas e oportunidades que se apresentam organizao e afim de determinar os seus principais pontos fortes e fracos.

A Importncia da Gesto Comercial O desenvolvimento econmico atual e a necessidade das empresas de ser competitivas gera inovaes constantes na gesto empresarial. As mudanas ocorridas no ambiente em que operam as empresas, tanto a nvel tecnolgico, como a nvel econmico, competitivo e scio-cultural, tiveram como consequncia o rpido crescimento e o aumento da importncia da gesto comercial nas empresas.

A complexidade dos mercados, com tendncias imprevisveis, a disparidade nos gostos dos consumidores e a globalizao, entre outros fatores, implicam que a direo. Deste modo, a gesto comercial assume uma importncia crucial, permitindo que a atividade da empresa se oriente para os mercados, uma vez que se os seus produtos ou servios no se venderem, no h possibilidades de continuidade no futuro.

Objetivos da Gesto Comercial Os principais objetivos da Gesto Comercial so: - Fazer o estudo do mercado de forma a adaptar as caractersticas dos bens forma, qualidade, funcionalidade, esttica, embalagem e preo s caractersticas dos potenciais compradores; - Elaborar uma poltica coerente de vendas, tentando prever o mais corretamente possvel o volume de vendas da empresa por produto, zonas geogrficas, tipos de clientes; - Fazer uma s administrao das vendas da empresa, para o que dever: a Executar, em devido tempo, as encomendas recebidas; b Manter um contato dinmico com o departamento fabril, de forma a orientar a produo, para que no se verifique nem um excesso de produtos fabricados nem a sua falta; 3- Providenciar para que os produtos vendidos estejam nas melhores condies de embalagem e transporte; c Enviar catlogos, tabelas de preos e amostras aos potenciais compradores, em devido tempo.

As melhores Marcas, as de maior sucesso so completamente coerentes. Cada aspecto do que so e do que fazem refora todo o resto. Quem v de fora, a construo de uma marca parece algo simples. Implica a freqente, irritante e por vezes obsessiva repetio de uma afirmao simples, e muitas vezes extravagante, expressa por meio de uma frase atrativa slogan, alguma cores e um logtipo distintivo, colocado mais ou menos ao acaso por todo o lado.

Na verdade se olharmos com maior ateno, constatamos que o processo de construo no to simples. Existem muito gneros de marcas, de bens de grande consumo como a CocaCola, as marcas tradicionalmente divididas entre Marcas B2B de empresa para empresa e as Marcas B2C de empresa para o consumidor ; as marcas institucionais, etc. Todas estas divises e subdivises, e com outras mais, no de admirar que a Gesto de Marcas quando analisada de forma mais concreta seja extremamente complexa. No fcil construir uma marca de sucesso, muitas marcas novas falham morrem mesmo nascena, ou prematuramente.

Assim a Gesto de Marca acima de tudo a criao e a manuteno de confiana. As melhores Marcas so geridas de forma completamente coerente, cada aspecto do que elas so e de como se relacionam reforam a Marca. As melhores Marcas tm uma consistncia que construda e mantida por pessoas no interior da sua organizao, totalmente absorvidas por aquilo que a Marca simboliza.

O Modo mais claro de comear a compreender uma Marca olhar para ela tendo em ateno os quatro vectores em que se manifesta: Produto; Ambiente; Comunicao e Comportamento. Pode se designar como os quatro sentidos da Marca. O Produto aquilo que a organizao faz ou vende. O Ambiente onde o faz e vende. A Comunicao o modo como diz pessoas, a cada consumidor, aquilo que faz. O Comportamento e como se comporta, o modo como cada pessoa que trabalha no interior da marca se comporta, em qualquer gnero de interao, com outros indivduos ou organizaes.

O significado comparativo de cada um destes vetores varia de acordo com a natureza da Marca. Segunda Diretriz Arquitetura da Marca. A estrutura da marca tem trs opes: A primeira corporativa, onde se utiliza um nome e uma ideia visual para descrever tudo o que a organizao faz ex. A segunda opo a validada endossada , quando uma organizao tem uma srie de marcas, cada qual com o seu prprio nome e identidade ex.

A terceira a Individualizada Marca , nessa estrutura cada unidade ou Marca projectada separadamente ao consumidor e vista como sendo completamente independente, muito embora seja, na realidade, administrada por uma entidade que a gere, comercializa e distribui. Existe uma grande diferena entre as Marcas inventadas e reinventadas, quando se inventa uma nova Marca, no existe negcio, ningum trabalha para ela comea-se literalmente de uma folha em branco, mas quando se reinventa uma Marca as coisas so distintas, j.

Assim nestes casos existe uma necessidade de a empresa se deslocar para um novo sentido, precisar de ser reinventada, reposicionada. Quarta Diretriz Qualidade do Produto. Quando se lana ou relana uma Marca, necessrio ser muito claro acerca da qualidade do produto. Se o produto o melhor que existe em termos de preo, qualidade e servio, isso constitui um reforo para entrar na corrida.

Se o produto o melhor de quantos existem, convm no dormir na forma, porque de certeza os concorrentes se aproximaro. Se o produto no for bom quanto os melhores, ento certo que no ter sucesso. Quinta Directriz O Interior e Exterior.

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