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Please pardon me if my memory here is hazy, it's been awhile since this happened--I do recall the experience as somewhat annoying, however, so I can sympathize with those who also have the problem. Wish I knew why it happened at all--my only theory is that it results after x number of forced driver installs on top of each other--no clean installs, etc.
Note: Windows 8 has not been updated new version only for Windows 10 and 7. Windows 10 bit Windows 10 bit Windows 8 bit Windows 8 bit Windows 7 bit Windows 7 bit.
Last updated:. March 26, Radeon Overlay may intermittently fail to enable when toggled in some games. Resizing Radeon Settings may cause the window to intermittently stutter.
Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, JonasBeckman , Mar 26, Jackalito and Rambo like this. Blackcart , Mar 26,