Omniture file download tracking

I leave the SiteCatalyst reports for marketing guys to try to improve their brands. And Omniture is indeed faster than Piwik for absolutely any kind of report. That sounds absolutely awesome. If I were to build a new app that used Omniture reporting this would be the method I check out first.

I could see that being a great way to skip the front-end development and dependencies. As far as I know we still need to call Omniture client services to set up a custom collation report. When I deal with the Omniture script I usually see H. For instance, recently I had a client with a site that had an inexplicable problem with a JavaScript form validation script.

After a long diagnosis I found out it was because of the Omniture code on the page. This site had two Omniture scripts, version H. I have only seen this happen once, but it took ages to diagnose. I assume it was due to a conflict, or someone screwed up the configuration, but I never found the real cause or solution to the problem.

However it bugged me because this is simply the wrong way to handle multiple events. You should use the AddEvent technique I used here or create a new event and store the old event as a function inside the new event. There are other items that I think can use some love that will greatly improve the quality of your service but those are the big ones.

Thanks for commenting on my article. Starting with H Since we have pretty fast internet connections these days, k extra are not too bad. Impossible to debug — hm…by default I agree.

But if there are really some problems with it, there are some ways to debug. Firebug is your friend. I agree. This has pros and cons. Some users want to send tracking as soon as possible even if the page has not fully loaded.

If you really want to load this code on any page, add it to your existing Omniture script. I think in regards of saving execution time you should go that route. Look into the s. Omniture already observes all clicks onto the document and so there is no need to add additional handlers. If the link is added properly to the document event bubbling should do its job. Have you tried using Mixpanel?

Oh thank god. This is my single biggest complaint about Omniture. In my experience there is a noticeable lag on dynamic links like jQuery tabs in pages when they get tracking code attached to them.

Omniture Regional Data Collection is something that I am looking into for a couple products. This is another huge improvement for the service. But it is a bit of a pain to set up and get running.

From what I understand it works just like a CDN. Can you be more specific? Can you point me to some documentation for this plugin? Thanks for the link. The first thing I did was view source on their page, where I found this:. Why is RDC a pain to set up? Just get the approval from the AM and then change lines of code.

The s. Thanks for the update, Steven. Incidentally, Andreas beat me to a few points, which is great. He probably knows the Omniture JavaScript code as well as just about anyone outside of Omniture. I completely understand your point about form names. Anyway, this is a fantastic conversation and, as I said, I will be circulating it around the office. Feel free to let me know if you have any other concerns that I might have missed.

Oh, I forgot to mention your point about multiple installs: I could not agree more. I would love to see this handled by allowing admin users to quickly and easily control the object name that their code is using. That process could certainly be improved. Action item for me. Skip to content. August 29, Steven Rose. Popular Posts. How will iOS15 affect my campaign analytics? Popular Categories. Popular Tags. Google Analytics web analytics resources training adwords Google Analytics search engine optimization bigquery pay per click google analytics premium.

Steven Rose. More Posts. Cardinal Path. Chicago, IL N. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. Thank you for your submission. Message Sent. Thank you for registering. Watch Webinar Recording.

You can view the video here. Cardinal Path hosted a live session to connect with you and answer all your questions on Google Analytics. Please feel free to contribute your feedback and tips in the comments section! Tom joined Distilled in as an analytics specialist, with the aim of applying his background in statistics and economics to his interest in all things internet.

When he's not wrestling with Excel or Google Analytics, Tom enjoys hearty food, real Published February 03, in the Web Analytics category. Segments Segments in Omniture work much like they do in Google Analytics, and Omniture has now gained the ability to apply multiple segments.

Media and Broadcasters. Arts and Entertainment. Retail and eCommerce. Internal Comms. Brightcove University. Play TV. About Us. Global Offices. Investor Relations. Here is a quick overview of the process, but be sure to read the documentation: Download the Analytics SWF from Omniture and host it on your server.


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